Fediverse is worse than Reddit. Mod abuse, admin abuse, disinformation and people circle jerking each other off like they have it all figured out.

  • 3 Posts
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: January 3rd, 2024

  • You’re being a shitty person right now, I hope one day you can gather the strength to acknowledge it and do better.

    No, and I throw that right back at you. Because you’re just supporting terrible stereotypes that further aid in the great divide and ultimately just feed the incel community. It’s like me saying all women are cheaters because that’s basically my experience, but at least I can acknowledge that I’m just an easy target for female predators instead of shoving it onto the gender as a whole. When you say “all men blah blah blah” then it does not matter if you truly mean it or not, you’re still ending up attacking and insulting everyone who is not part of that shit. And what’s the next reaction to it? “Oh don’t be so sensitive / fragile!” - which basically comes back to just being a toxic masculinity comment about men having to be strong and take it without complaining.

  • What about ketamine treatments? Psychedelics?

    They’re not legal in most places and where they are you’d still have to find a place that offers them, which would be difficult on its own already.

    I highly doubt he tried everything is all I’m saying.

    He tried what he could, as does everyone. You just don’t accept his & other peoples capabilities.

    He had the responsibility to “cope” for his family.

    You’re the good old “you just have to kick yourself in the butt” type of anti-depressant.

    I like 90 percent agree with you and disagree on one little thing. You seem to just want to fight with me for slightly disagreeing on his responsibility as a father and husband.

    I want you to see your bigotry, that’s all.

  • Do you seriously think Chester spent his decades since the sexual assault with twirling his thumbs…? Euthanasia is barely a thing globally, only few countries offer it and usually not for people with mental issues, which is exactly my point here. Mental illness is treated like some secondary issue, even though trauma are rarely curable, anti-depressants having a tremendous failure rate and are heavy on side effects, while therapy often only tries to teach you to “cope” with your issues, rather than getting rid of them.

  • Chester had all the resources in the world to fight that battle.

    So do many cancer patients, but you’d probably not say they’re selfish for losing that battle with their illness either. They’re suicide victims, not suicide perpetrators. That’s also why people call for not calling it “killing yourself”.

    I think people with late stage cancer and people who suffer from severe physical pain are a different conversation, entirely.

    And that’s why this stigma still exists. Depression is an illness, and suicide is the last stage of succumbing to it. But we can go with other examples as well if you want to. There was this guy a few years ago IIRC who was under chronic pain, due to a rare condition. He was very much fully functional in a sense, just constantly suffering. He was still fairly young, I think in his 30s and tried for a long time to get assisted suicide without success (until he did, IIRC in another country). He had friends and family too, like most people, but he decided a long time ago that life was not worth living under the circumstances he was in. Do you think that is selfish too?

    Can you even relate to any of those circumstances at all? Like, suicide is not something even a suicidal person does lightly. It’s a big and difficult step to take - even if you’re completely alone. But to take this step for someone who had a loving family and kids simply means that their suffering was still stronger, it still outweigh whatever brief moments of happiness they could feel, and whatever “responsibility” they had to their family. Speaking of which, you don’t see it that way, as you see yourself as a burden - and to an extend that’s what you are, even if people don’t like to talk about it. But the longer you’re sick, the more people will resent you for it. That’s an unfortunate truth as well that people have to understand. The people around you, are people you ultimately drag down into the abyss with you if you’re not able to get out of it. It’s in most cases just a matter of time, and it’s a crushing matter for someone who’s already down.

  • There’s a long, documented, researched, history of women being raised to expect things from men too. But if you seriously think this is the average expectation of men towards women, then you should go outside and touch some grass. Just because toxic gender stereotypes exist, does not mean you have to acknowledge every bullshit sexist stereotype as the truth.

  • I’m aware of Scientology’s tactics. Her blocking the court seats is her being part of those tactics. Just like their goons who harassed one of the victims, or Masterson raping them.

    And Masterson wasn’t a “friend”, but a fellow cult member. That’s why she was there, that’s why she blocked the court room to hold any of the victims relatives & friends. She’s literally part of the problem and you people are making excuses for her instead of calling her out. Also, her idiotic “apology” HAD to specifically call out female victims, while part of the criticism is that she replaces a MALE victim.

    Honestly no idea what kind of “evidence” you want before you acknowledge the truth.

  • You’re hitting several fallacies here. First, her being potentially brainwashed is not an excuse. Yeah, that may be how she got there, but that does not mean that is how and who she should be - let alone have her replace Chester of all people.

    Secondly, it’s not about her success. No one should ever be in a cult like this, regardless of your fame. I expect the same thing from every other member too. However, in this case we have someone replace a SA victim that is in a cult that literally does the same fucking thing (and worse) to others.

    One of the victims of Masterson and her husband, which this is kinda about, were also both members of Scientology. They even got their dogs murdered by them, yet they still fight - and that’s what every member with a sane conscience should do.