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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 16th, 2023

  • I get this every time someone says “both sides are the same!” Like, I’ve watched who’s started basically every major military conflict in my life, who keeps cutting taxes for the rich and who keeps gutting social programs that would benefit the poor, who keeps trying to remove rights and prevent others from getting the rights they’re owed, who’s tanked the deficit and brought this country to near financial collapse multiple times, etc.

    It’s like accelerated around politics in general though. People will still foam at the mouth about how all of the accusations against Trump are just a psyop to bring down their one true god. Meanwhile, he’s standing there holding a selfie cam like “what’s up my true believers, I totally did every single thing they said and I’d do it again twice with your mother and Jesus himself watching.” People out there still saying Trump isn’t a rapist after not only a court of law found him to be one, and -literally everyone has heard a tape of him telling you exactly how to do sex crimes.- But it’s like that for everything. Republicans are just straight up saying shit right into the microphone, and then 30 seconds later pretending like it’s never happened.

  • It’s not that they’re a particularly large portion of the country, it’s that they have outsized power thanks to the electoral college and it’s easier to disenfranchise dem voters. I’m not wailing about them, so much as stating fact. If 4 years of the chaos of Trump, cozying up to dictators, the million+ dead from COVID that didn’t need to happen, the complete tanking of the economy and causing rampant inflation, an attempted coup/insurrection, many of his own staff saying he’s not fit, Fox News turning against him (privately, but those texts all got released, thanks Dominion), a rape conviction, a fraud conviction, him spilling military secrets on tape, him stealing and attempting to hide classified docs, and now the likelihood that he’s going to likely be jailed or under house arrest while trying to campaign for president, if all of that isn’t enough to convince someone to not vote for Trump, what will?

    The point of the comment was essentially don’t bother with these people, the only answer is to vote dem in '24, and get as many people as you can to do the same. Things are stacked towards Republicans by nature of the system, you can ignore trying to change these people’s minds because idk anything will at this point, but you can’t sit it out or not vote dem this time around.