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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • My feeling has always been that most alternative political theories that get attention really are a good way to do things, until you get to the application stage. Communism is a Utopia on paper, until you involve actual humans with greed and the wish to be better than the person standing beside them. Pure libertarianism, which I will hear no argument is not just anarchy in practice, is also fine and good, until you remember that we live in a society that has to account for the lowest denominators, and of the fact that, unless they’re forced to, nobody’s going to band together to build roads, and infrastructure, and help Grandma pay for her medications. Libertarianism is a reactionary outcome to the knee jerk reaction of someone looking at their paycheck, and seeing that the government took money that they feel like they earned all by themselves.

  • The Army can’t press assault charges on her behalf. She’s elected not to, which in this unique situation, is probably reasonable if she wants to continue having a normal life after this. Being an institution, and not an individual, the only real recourse the Army have would be to pursue a federal charges relating to misuse of the land and photography and such, but not doing so is the whole point of my initial post. In addition, even if they did, it would be a challenging case to prove that he was using it for campaign purposes given that he did not give a campaign speech or anything quite so flagrant. I’m not saying that anybody except for that poor staffer is completely in the right here, but it is probably the best case scenario: Trump and his team did something aggressively anti-patriotic, it was widely reported, and he has no way to possibly play the victim here.

  • Navy vet here. If I can offer an alternative interpretation: I can assure you that the Army is not actually afraid of retaliation (source: they have cluster bombs), I think it is a strategic move on their part to keep him from playing the victim. Trump is putting a lot of work every single day into ensuring that he loses this election. This is widely regarded as “tight”, and “super cool”, but he is also really good at playing the victim. Even if the Army press charges, and even if they got a conviction before the election somehow, it wouldn’t really change anything. Public perception is doing all the work that needs to be done about this, but if he successfully phrases this as a political attack so close to the election, it could throw a wrench in the roller coaster which is currently about to start going downhill really fast for him. I agree with you that this is not the correct outcome for such behavior, but I think it’s the best course of action currently available to ensure that he loses fair and square, and has no legitimate recourse after the votes are counted. He’s definitely going to dispute the results, but we need to make sure that he has no shadow of an actual, real, foothold to build a case of unfairness around.

  • I really don’t think it’s hate, in the classic sense. I think most of it is sort of a hamarotic response that’s made possible by the fact that these forums show up in everybody’s feed, and given that vegans typically have negative views on the eating practices of the rest of the world, can be seen referring to those people as they do in private. As you seem to be insinuating, it feels-bad-man to have your lifestyle casually attacked, and nearly always elicits retaliation because humans.

    I feel like a lot of it is a matter of terminology. For instance, using the word “omnivore” instead of “carnist”, or “Bovine Matchmaker”, instead of “Animal Rapist”.