• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • I’ve heard similar a lot. Not necessarily the exact phrasing you used, but close enough when it wasn’t essentially a difference in which term was used instead of “stupid”

    But I agree. Pretty much any drama is stupid to at least a small degree, because drama is stupid. You handle a problem, or you don’t; drama is just being loud for attention, be it from the people involved, or hangers on.

    The scale doesn’t even matter. Small scale family drama is just as stupid as drama around a singer, or some YouTube talking head.

  • Well, it’s just a company trying to hype their product, so definitely craze territory.

    There is some good stuff in shrooms as others have already covered, and most of that will be present in a broth made from them. So it isn’t totally bullshit. But it also isn’t coffee in any way at all.

    As far as making it into a power yourself, you likely wouldn’t get the same results since drying the damn things, then processing them is not exactly a learning curveless thing. Definitely doable, just takes some effort to get nailed. I used to do it to add flavor to stuff without having the actual pieces of mushroom present, since the texture is offputting to a decent number of people I have cooked for. Not worth the effort imo, but maybe if you’ve been recommended to have a specific mushroom by your doctor, it would be worth it.

  • Tbh, this is a time when sound quality takes a back seat to design.

    Now, a caveat, I’m not a runner, I’m disabled. So I do strength training upper body work, and water based exercise. There’s not as much impact, so I can’t promise that won’t be a factor.

    But I’ve tried a handful of Bluetooth buds because of the sweating and pool use. JBL makes or made a model called “reflect flow”.

    The controls are built so that it takes a firm push to activate them, so no issues with sweat or other water triggering them. They’re even functional with a device in a protective baggie, and my head under water a good bit. Not deep, but submerged, or while swimming. It’s one of those ymmv things though, as Bluetooth in general isn’t great at penetrating water of any depth.

    Sound is what I’d call acceptable. Not great, but vocals are clear enough to pick out words with no issues while moving through water, or in a gym full of people clanking weights. Can’t match wired IEMs, but I doubt that’s the goal. They run a tad bass heavy, and the highs can get dampened more than I’d like, but not unexpectedly so.

    But the controls have never, ever triggered unless I pushed them. The case is solid, and keeps a charge well even after about five years of use (iirc, could be off by a year either way since I was borrowing before buying, and can’t recall which brands I tried when). They aren’t expensive either, which considering that Bluetooth earbuds are essentially unrepairable is a good thing.

    I’d give them an overall 7/10 for sound, 10/10 for waterproofing, and 10/10 for both battery lives. My standard for a 10/10 sound is my beyerdynamic 770s though, which isn’t everyone’s preference. Tin t2s are a solid 9/10 for sound to my ears. Just for a sense of how I judge sound on fairly common budget choices in wired audio.

  • Hmmm, I kinda agree this is an unpopular opinion to an extent.

    I would, however, argue that it’s relatively rather than objectivly unpopular, so expect a lot of disagreement.

    I also kinda agree. Not for the way you said things (which never actually says why everyone should give her a listen, only general opinions about the recent album and her catalog), but I tend to be in favor of trying any major artist at least once, purely as a way of connecting to other people.

    Music can bridge gaps. If there’s millions of people into a given artist/band, there’s a reason for that, even if it’s something that you view as a negative. Sharing the experience, even if you don’t enjoy it, at least gives you a chance to share something with others to a limited degree. That’s always a good thing, and that’s even for objectively bad music/art/literature.

  • I appreciate it.

    And I mostly agree, it isn’t really the same band. Can’t say I object to the name staying the same since it was never “Chester’s band, Linkin Park”. It was a group effort, and as much as I love Chester, he was only part of what made them what they were.

    As it stands now, there’s only one member from the original linkin park lineup not involved, and it seems like he’s just done with music entirely, at least as a performer.

    If Shinoda had just hired on an entire new group, and used the name, I’d be annoyed. Wouldn’t necessarily reject it, but wouldn’t be standing in line for the new album either.

    And it isn’t like there isn’t plenty of bands that have moved forward with a band after losing a vocalist, while keeping the original name.

    But, yeah, I appreciate you taking the time to respond a lot. Thanks :)

  • "we keep people imprisoned and torture them routinely


    Anyone that does not immediately renounce the religion is no longer eligible for benefit of the doubt, even if they were raised in the religion, even if they tether reject part of the beliefs.

    Hate to break it to you, but if scientology is doing this level of horror to people in the name of their beliefs, it hasn’t made the news recently.


    Haven’t seen any bombings by scientology yet, though I wouldn’t be surprised.


    But, no true Christian would do such a thing.

    If you’re arguing that scientology is somehow worse than any of that, I would say malarkey.

    As nasty as scientology can get, as much as they need to be shut down, they aren’t even close you the kind of insanity of any of that.

    I don’t care what word you want to apply to it. Cult, religion, idgaf. Call it whatever you want. But whatever you want to label things, I object just as much to literal terrorism and murder, no matter who does it.

    You know who hasn’t done anything like any of this? Emily Armstrong. The worst thing she’s done is show up in court with a bunch of other brainwashed members of the group. That’s it.

    If she is responsible for things she didn’t do, just because someone in the same organization did them, then everyone is responsible for the acts of the worst of their organization.

    Seriously, how does nobody have anything in the way of proof she did anything illegal, dangerous, or even bad? Everyone is all whiny about her still being associated with scientology, like she’s some kind of ringleader instead of someone that’s stuck just as much because “we keep people imprisoned and torture them routinely and steal all our members income while we take their children from them”. If the cult is that bad, why is she expected to be the one to take a stand?

    It’s bullshit. And that’s the point. I genuinely do not give a stinking shit what kind of semantics you want to fuck with. You do you, I’m done with that part of things because it has never been the point.

    You got anything, any shred of proof that Emily Armstrong did any of the illegal acts that scientology has carried out? Because, again, I’ve gone looking, and there’s jack shit online. If anything, she’s just another victim of scientology via her parents. I get that the lady that masterson assaulted gets a pass for ranting at the wrong person. She gets that after what she went through. But nobody in this entire thread, nor in the YouTube comments, or on any of the social media platforms currently swamped by people that did not give a flying fuck about scientology two weeks ago have managed to dig up anything Armstrong has done other than sit in a courtroom.

    That’s it. That’s her crime.

  • No, I’m saying that every religion is a cult. The only difference is whether or not people like them. They all engage I fuckery of the highest order. Catholicism is still top down cult, they just have numbers and history. A history of atrocities on a much greater scale than anything scientology has managed to achieve. It hasn’t even been fifty years that gay people were even considered anything but scum to the Catholic church. It hasn’t even been twenty since they were covering up child sexual abuse actively, and with knowledge it was going to keep happening if they didn’t stop it.

    I’m saying that in the face of everything any given religion has done, none of them deserve a break for individuals unless all of them do.

    I’m saying that none of the people except the victim of Masterson’s that made the public blame towards Armstrong were giving two shits about her. I haven’t seen anyone I’m this thread that’s said anything about scientology before this came along.

    I’m saying that that’s bullshit. I’m saying that it’s a bunch of whiny little piss babies jumping into drama they didn’t give a fuck about two weeks ago.

    I’m saying that a witch hunt on the basis of a cult or religion is bullshit when there’s no difference in them. Jainism, and maybe wicca have managed to not commit atrocities the last hundred years. And you’d likely find members of either of those that are bigger assholes than Armstrong has ever been

    And, again, where were the complaints when she was fronting a different band? Nowhere. It’s a bunch of piss babies whining because it’s a bigger band, and that’s bullshit. Either she was a monster a month ago, or she wasn’t. If she was, then where were the attacks then?

    It’s hypocrisy. It’s empty minded bullshit.

    Now, to state it again, IDGAF about scientology. Tear it down, ban it, IDGAF if they’re all thrown in jail. Just don’t pretend they’re worse than any other big religious cult. And, unless we’re gong to go back thousands of years to some kind of ultra primitive version of animism, every fucking religion was a cult at some point. All the big ones operate as such, the monotheistic organized ones are just the worst about it.

  • The only reason it’s obvious is that there’s billions of people in earth. It’s hard to find anything that there isn’t a decent number of people that feel/experience the same thing.

    Which is no biggie at all, I didn’t intend for it to come across snippy or anything.

    Hell, the only reason I even mentioned that this isn’t best place is that once you get enough down votes, a post can get buried to anyone that isn’t sorting by new. Reduces the chances of interaction.

    I’m trying to recall where on lemmy, and what the name is, for the “doesanyoneever” type of thing. I ran a couple of searches, but there’s too many ways it could have been created the run through them all but there is one, and I could have sworn it was on lemmy.world, but I’m not seeing it currently. But I could just be missing it, I dunno.

  • I mean, is this actually a question?

    It really seems more like a rant followed with a DAE at the end to keep form.

    There’s nothing to answer here.

    Which is fine, but you picked the wrong C/ for it, which means you aren’t as likely to get favorable responses.

    But, with that said, of course you’re not the only one. It’s a pretty common sentiment, particularly when people have some long term health issues (physical or mental). You go to enough group therapy sessions, you’d be hard pressed to not have any given group be a majority of members feeling the same. Same with many support groups.

    It’s a thing.