• 4 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月28日

  • religion is a choice for everyone no exceptions. treating someone eating bacon as a psychopath slaughtering animals isnt the same as bacon and animals are real, and the connection between the two can be studied. religious folk choose to believe something fake that cannot be studied or proved and people die for it. wars are fought over this fake garbage. meat doesnt cause wars (because the vegans are lacking the essential nutrients to fight back lol)

    also i eat meat and you can call me a psychopath if you want. youre not entirely wrong officially the meat industry is terrible i just dont see me boycotting it causing a tangible change, and i like meat.

    edit its important to add, anyone practicing religion gives the people that use religion to kill a platform and sets a precedent that its ok by not ostracizing them. christians like when people they don’t like are murdered. put any religion in place of christian it still works.

  • my room is “clean” but my personal adhd clean where i put something somewhere because im a genius thatll remember it and then i look where it should be and its not there and im like well shit i guess its gone until i stumble upon it right where i needed it.

    not until after i spend 30 minutes looking not where i needed it.

    sometimes i completely clean my space and then ill stop thinking about it and kinda go about my day and suddenly 4 different unrelated activities are on my desk.

    i just watched memento for a class and i kinda feel like the guy in memento except to a much much lesser degree