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Cake day: June 21st, 2023

  • Doctors are erring on the side of caution to avoid potential lawsuits and even jail time

    I get it’s risky and money is needed to survive, and prison is bad, and all, but it seems a bit hypocritical for doctors to violate their modern day version of the Hippocratic Oath.

    Especially the part where it says:

    I will prevent disease whenever I can, for prevention is preferable to cure.

    That’s a place where life-saving decisions should always transcend law, and there should be a law (since we can’t go on gentleman’s agreements anymore) that says as much to cut out this partisan horse shit that vacillates and trends downward every year.

    Can’t believe it’s 2024 and our big accomplishment is that America figured out how to politicize the human body, and the uterus in particular.

  • https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bath_School_disaster

    People could also buy dynamite pretty easy, this was a 1927 school killing.

    Crazy finds a way, however the frequency uptick these days is bonkers. Regardless of the device used to kill, I (with no evidence) think a lot of general community fracture has occurred over the last decades, people now have internet echo chambers reinforcing stupid ideas at a much higher accessibility, and foreign actors manipulating the general public. The local communities are more distanced as people choose their online pockets.

    Can’t downplay the firearm aspect though. The AR-15 is ridiculously easy to shoot with no formal training and easy to hit a tight grouping at 20 yards the first time you pick it up. Other firearms require more skill and training to be remotely as effective. This drops the barrier to entry so low that any asslarper can pick one up and go murder a ton of people.

  • Was on some United flights recently with their new seatback media systems. The user experience is much better than Delta’s, but also, they actively harvest your information at your seat to build a “profile” on you, they even ask you to choose the type of flight profile you want like “relax” or “fun” etc. and it modifies the content filters for you.

    The kicker though, was on the last flight, when the lighting was just right that I noticed they have a pinhole camera installed on the lower left of the display, along with some IR blasters to power a proximity sensor around a software button.

    Blasters likely produce enough light that the camera can see you even when the screen is off/cabin is dark. So they’re likely building passenger profiles with visual data now as well, it’d be trivial to do facial recognition of “happy, sad, sleepy, etc” on top of capturing your movement in the seat. Did you just use your phone? Did you use the seatback screen? Are you reading a book? What food did you choose?

  • And the health apps know when you’re sleeping, they know your heartrate throughout the day, your o2 sats. They can take all this mortality risk data to factor in things, advertise drugs to you, advertise foods they know you’ll eat even though it’s bad, manipulate how your insurance pays out for your next treatment because it would have been preventable if you hadn’t eaten those donuts. The phone manufacturers know you run apps, how long, what you do (yes, even Apple, especially Apple, they hide behind “privacy” so you feel ok with what they do to you) what web pages you open, how long you view them.

    They could biometrically paint a picture of your day, your movement, there’s an entire profile of data available on many humans. I wouldn’t be surprised if they aren’t already tying heart rate data to viewership of media and advertising.