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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • It’s ugly af. Was that a project requirement or something? It looks like it has a fucking underbite lol.

    It is, but its pure function over form. If you want the whole story on this here’s a well done 13 minute youtube video: USPS Oshkosh NGDV Postal Van - Ugly by Design

    Short version for the ugly:

    • drivers need to stand up at full height inside for ease of use
    • drivers, when seated, need to see very close to the ground what is in front of them
    • drivers are not all the same torso height. Men are usually taller than women so you need a really tall windshield for very tall seated drivers, and very sharp and short hood for very short drivers.

    Its ugly, but is a very VERY functional design. I’d rather mail carriers are comfortable in their ride than feeling stylish.

  • The rate isn’t too bad actually, but when your household is a larger consumer anyway and you’re charging 2 EVs consumption gets up there. We have also switched to an induction stove, heat pump water heater, added a heat pump dryer, and just recently had our gas furnace ripped out and a cold climate heat pump put in for the HVAC.

    With all of that the electricity usage the bill goes up, but we can wipe it out with solar and now we don’t have natural gas bills or gasoline costs for transportation. The up front costs can be high with this approach, but the monthly bills are nearly non-existent.

  • I live with them and the only option I realistically have other than this is to move in with my mom who tends to emotionally depend on me.

    Just because you live with them doesn’t mean they have to be your life. Where you pay rent can be simply where you sleep and bath. Where you live can be everywhere outside of there. Reach out to identify a new groups of people outside those around you now. Find a group activity completely separate from your current group. It could anything, a drawing class, bird watching, martial arts, pickleball, book club, anything that you find interesting, and you automatically know you have a shared interest with everyone else because you all chose to be there doing that thing.

    There was a time when I had dreams and goals in life, I wanted to work in tech, I wanted to get bachelors degree I wanted to have friends, but the truth is I never realized how gross I was until now, I never realized my transition would be a failure, I never realized just how much i got on peoples nerves

    Self improvement comes in many forms, and it doesn’t happen without your effort. It also doesn’t happen overnight. Its small steps of incremental effort day after day. You mention getting a bachelors degree. If you feel you have a desire for it, do it! Figure out what it would take, make a plan, and start working the plan.

    recently I feel closer and closer to just ending it, I have essentially became aware that all of my friends put me in the outer circle of our friend group, and actively view me as a child. I am autistic but also I feel like my friends view me as disgusting with no real solution of what to do with me,

    Please don’t end it! The world is so much bigger than the handful of people around you right now! You’re dealing with some pretty strong feelings right now, and there’s nothing in life that guides you on this that any of us are born with. Professional help can help! There are therapists that you can talk to. If you need it to be private, you can even have it so they don’t know your name. You pay cash and there’s never a record of your real name in any files. You can get help addressing some of these big questions you’re staring at. I promise you, it can help.

    There are people out there that will love you for you, and give you motivation to be the best version of yourself. Don’t take that chance away from yourself, and your future close friends!

  • I’d like to know how close I was and in what ways I can become a more interesting candidate, but nobody is going to give me a realistic answer.

    I can tell you from the employer side there is nothing to gain by answering this question asked by a candidate, and everything to lose which is why you the candidate almost never hear a response.

    There are some legally protected reasons you cannot be turned down for a job. Its all the stuff you’d think of: race, religion, marital status, sex, age, etc. The likelihood you were turned down because of one of these illegal reasons is usually very low in the USA. I’m proud to say for the hiring efforts I’ve been a part of, these have never been considered criteria for disqualifying a candidate. Its always been for things like lack of knowledge/education, criminal history (example multi-DUI for a job that requires driving or conviction of embezzling when put in charge of company finances ), etc.

    However, any documented reason a prospective employer gives back to a candidate becomes a liability. Will that candidate sue the company claiming that they weren’t hired because they think the position required some not married, which would be a crime of the employer?

  • Good arguments should stand up to scrutiny. If this one fails its because the premise is flawed. I’m not claiming to have all the answers, but I’m pointing out that the OP’s quote stood strong on language but weak under observation. You took up the banner in defense of the OP quote. I don’t know if you lost faith in the OP argument or just don’t recognize its flawed.

    My error was giving you the benefit of the doubt that you’re not participating in meaningless mental masturbation.

    I’m exploring an idea someone else presented. I’m not sure why you engaged if you weren’t interested in doing the same.