• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • We’re stuck with the lesser of two evils, but until we get something like ranked choice voting, that’s what we have to work with. For now our choices are:

    Choice A) a party with some generally decent ideas for improving the quality of living for the majority of Americans. Seeks to help and protect civil rights and marginalized groups, end racism & sexism, and help the middle class. Tools of billionaires and corporations. Has a weird desire to support a genocidal power, with some limp-wristed finger wagging, despite the majority of their constituents being against genocide.

    Choice B) a party apparently filled to the brim with religious fruitcakes, grifters, racists, foreign assets, and pedophiles who generally work to make life shittier for everybody not rich, white, and male. Actively committed to ending democracy and installing a religious fascist government. Tools of billionaires and corporations. They will wholeheartedly support genocide and will likely increase aid to make it happen quicker.

    Choice C) various parties with some potentially interesting ideas that are getting pushed by one of the two main political parties in an attempt to peel away votes from their opposition party. Used as tools of the major political parties. They don’t support genocide, but because they’ll never get into power in the current system, they’re as powerless as anybody else to do anything about it.

  • I bounce back and forth, depending on my mood (obviously) and whether or not I have any sort of creative projects to work on or anything that’s keeping me mentally busy (whether it’s a game, a series, a book, a design, research, just something that I feel interested in or passionate about). If I have nothing that’s really driving me, that’s when I feel at my lowest or I’m just mindlessly consuming crap and the days all just sort of blend together, I’m just going through the motions and the world feels dead, or I feel dead, whichever. When I’m in the midst of a creative project though, I get laser focused on that and forget all about everything else and I have purpose. Sometimes though, I’m just meh, like not really driven, but not really depressed.

    The Internet that I grew up with though is definitely gone, alot of it feels shallow now, like I don’t go on tangents upon tangents anymore and it doesn’t have the same sense of exploration that it used to. Like I used to find a random page, which had links to other random pages, which had links to other pages, and I would just follow this breadcrumb trail from one place to another. Now you’ve got shitty social media aggregating links and it just doesn’t feel the same. The closest I’ll get to that is going through Wikipedia if I happen to be researching or looking something up, occasionally you just find other topics that get really interesting. The history of Wargames is the latest thing that’s been holding my interest.

  • Maybe radical, maybe not, I don’t know. Instagram has a policy of no nudity, with some exceptions. A notable one is for breastfeeding, which has led to this weird category on Instagram of… I guess it’s Breastfeeding Porn, I don’t know what else to call it (?). It’s bizarre because the videos being made are obviously meant to just show off naked boobs… but with young children in them. So, IMO, it’s dipping its toes into exploitation, but because it’s technically “breastfeeding” it’s perfectly fine with Instagram. It’s this weird situation where, showing your tits in a video by yourself is considered “offensive” or not safe for children… unless you film your tits out with a child in the video. Honestly, they should just allow all nudity via some sort of gatekeeping program or something that tries to keep kids from viewing it, but the breastfeeding exception has just created a weird porn sub-genre.

    And I’m sure there’s legitimate reasons why somebody would take a video of themselves breastfeeding, maybe for instructional purposes for other mothers or something, whatever, I’m sure that’s a thing and I’m not knocking that. And I know breastfeeding creates a strong bond between mother and child, it’s a normal, natural thing that happens, I get that, but these videos in particular don’t seem to have any purpose that I can make out. These videos are just women staring at the camera, their tits hanging out and off to the side is some kid greedily suckling on one boob. If this is such a sacred relationship between mother and infant, shouldn’t it be kept private? Sure, women can breastfeed in public because they literally have to feed their child… but broadcasting it to the world doesn’t seem like a necessary part of that.

  • I fucking hate this because it creates ambiguity, usually at times when things need to happen very quickly. It always seems to happen at busy intersections when I’ve got mere seconds to get through, usually a left hand turn. I’m waiting because I need to make the turn, there’s a person across from me going straight who will have the right of way and I can’t go til they go, but I’m looking back and forth waiting for an opening for when that person will go (and then me). The opening comes… and I wait… and they wait, and then I see this fucking person is looking at me like a jackass like they were doing me a favor. The favor would’ve been them following the goddamn right of way, then we both could’ve gone to where we needed to go, now I have to wait again.

  • I started playing one of the Gacha games a few months back now, Watcher of Realms, I think the only reason I started was because it showed jiggling boobies in a trailer. The name is goofy and the story is almost non-existant, the gameplay isn’t terribly deep, but has some nuances to it, it’s like a tower defense RPG game. It’s kind of dumb as a game because it records your playthroughs of scenarios that you can then use later on to “Auto-fight” for you as you frequently have to grind for different shit. So you basically set the game on auto-pilot and stop playing the game. I’ve been playing for something like 6 months now, but I’ve been committed from the start to never pay a single dime for it and I’ve stuck with that the entire time. Granted, I’ve put way too much time into the game and, if time is money, I’ve wasted a bunch that way, but I’ve never actually paid for anything in currency. Cheap skate 4 life. I honestly don’t know why I keep playing, knowing what the game is setup for, but I still log in day after day.

    I can definitely see how it encourages players to spend money, there’s so many mini-currencies within the game that obfuscate what you need to do to earn this or that hero or get whatever thing you’re trying for, but ultimately the incentive is to buy shit to get further along. In this game though, the rates are so goddamn ridiculous that you’d have to be an impatient jackass to pay the rates they want for simple things that don’t even give any guarantees of better performance in the game. On the one hand, I thing games like this are evil for trying to take advantage of people, but on the other, if you’re that stupid and that rich that you have money to burn on a game like this… maybe throwing your money away on digital stuff isn’t the worse thing you could be wasting your money on (like real world drugs or donating to Trump or something stupid like that). But yes, for kids who haven’t mentally developed yet, there probably should be some sort of protections for them, since they’ll pay for dumb shit at the drop of a hat.

  • Of all the Biblical stories, this one has the most sci-fi vibes that makes me think that life on Earth might’ve been brought here from another world. That’s assuming we accept the story as having some element of truth and taking a more wild interpretation of the story. It could easily be an exaggerated story about some regular flooding event and people having to migrate a few miles away with their farm animals, but let’s go sci-fi with it.

    Assume that the genetic information for living things of one world was collected and transported to another planet to seed this new planet with life (artificial panspermia). If done early enough, maybe it’d account for the fossil record, it wouldn’t have been modern animals, maybe just microorganisms, basically the Engineers from the Aliens movies (this is essentially the backstory from Prometheus).

    Somehow early man is made aware of this, but their dumb brains can’t even conceive of what it all means, they haven’t even discovered flight or DNA or anything, or the story itself was purposely dumbed down to be understood. So this story gets passed down orally and over generations morphs into Noah building a big ship and taking two of every animal with him to survive a flood. It definitely seems like an allegory about some disaster-induced migration.

  • That he’s so easily influenced by the people around him is just one more reason he’s a shitty person to be President. He’s very likely functionally illiterate, so his entire worldview comes solely from the videos he watches and the people he talks to. He only surrounds himself with ‘yes’ people who are likely only there because they flatter his ego and don’t challenge him on anything. And the kind of people willing to flatter Trump are likely either batshit insane themselves or hold even more contemptible views than he does.

    He’s an intellectual void that gets filled with the shitty ideas of those around him. There’s always this very direct line where you can trace some of the things he says right to a specific person or a segment on tv. There’s no processing or reflection or contemplation or anything, just garbage in, garbage out.