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Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024


  • This should be taken with a grain of salt, just as yours and op, but neuroplasticity makes arguments like yours shaky (well well well if this isn’t gonna turn out to be our old friend dialectics). If children just had a special environment, you’d find the physiological countepart. So unless it’s controlled for otherwise, you can’t make a one directional proof out of it

  • I think a neat way to put it is: Alienated acting/being is what’s left after you pretend you would not cooperate with other people.

    Liberal ideology imagines every person as a autonomous agent “taking their own decisions”. Except you live in a cave and gather berries on your own, this is a radical misconception. In fact almost everything you do depends on other peoples doing and vice versa.

    Alienation is the ideological and practical renouncement of this fact of beeing part of a social species.

    If you deny this fundamental property of your beeing and doing, you end up with confusion and moral atrocities. And principally this goes “for both sides”.

    Of course the war-stock-financed yacht is worse, but even in the case of a US-minimum-wage-financed banana the buyer profits from the exploitation of some dude in south america. If heshe has not developped a critical consciousness of the individualist illusion of liberalism, heshe won’t see it, cause “im not greedy I just want a fuckin 'nana”.

    Alienation does not explain the vertical (quantitative) unfairness, the exploitation, but the general disconnectedness (qualitative) of humans from their social system, their history, each other, their work and themselves.

  • Even though this is true for like 90% of my thinking (that I can see when I try), so far I’m concinced this ist because I am a predominantly language-and-normal-grammar-rules thinker.

    There are people that mostly think via associations of words that don’t have to be formulated/ cast into grammar.

    And then there supposedly people mainly thinking in pictures or smth, without words.

    Anyways for some people rubber duck mode reoresents a change in thinking method, I think