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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I was worried the remaster would take some of this away, but it looked just as good.

    The PS2 version looks great after upping the internal res (not sure how much other stuff like filtering/other technicals has an effect). I haven’t compared it, but like most remasters I’m going to just say the data bloat is probably not worth potential fidelity improvements. That and I’d guess any design issues are still baked in, thus similar experience.

    EDIT: In Okami’s case I don’t know if the data size is due to uncompressed files or just due to higher-res pre-rendered videos, but either seems wasteful to me. What is live-rendered and what is pre-rendered just seems arbitrary to me, I’d get if it weren’t viable on older hardware but you’d think a remaster could handle it mostly in-engine.

  • My napkin guess is that this is some sort of specific process/tactic, either it only allows 1 2 levels of reclassification at a time or that was all that could be agreed on (with multiple agencies, likely the DEA limiting the pace). So either avoiding the Senate or the tiniest of steps that pretty much anybody will allow/defend. Slow-and-steady could be the plan, assuming Biden wins again and actually follows up.

    Well that and it probably really helps with the turning-a-blind-eye, like the difference between ignoring/acquitting a hit-and-run fender-bender versus ignoring/acquitting the act of treating a no-traffic intersection (in clear conditions) like a 4-way stop. Maybe it will be enough to reduce hostility and move the relevant overton window over time while avoiding pushback.

    EDIT: Looking at it more, this seems to be the department of HHS pressuring the DEA on clear medical use. As others say, the lower restriction might help further medical study which could in-turn result in further reclassification.

  • Reminder on Stockholm syndrome:

    According to accounts by Kristin Enmark (one of the hostages): the police were acting incompetently, with little care for the hostages’ safety.

    She had criticized the police for pointing guns at the convicts while the hostages were in the line of fire, and she had told news outlets that one of the captors tried to protect the hostages from being caught in the crossfire

    but the prime minister [Palme] told her that she would have to content herself with dying at her post rather than Palme giving in to the captors’ demands.

    Ultimately, Enmark explained she was more afraid of the police, whose attitude seemed to be a much larger, direct threat to her life than the robbers.

    Which could possibly be relevant here, particularly the civil war part.

  • Correct. The last line of my comment is most relevant to this chain.

    More specifically I could say that while many optimizations might be general-use or discoverable, others may be specific to said old system (or maybe getting around limitations). That and this level of optimization would be diminishing returns for even the lowest of modern systems (but obviously nearly required for the target hardware).

    Making a minimalist and well-optimized game for desktop PC is going to be significantly easier and with more of an audience than trying to target most other hardware. There are also fantasy consoles like TIC-80 or WASM-4 for more modern/open targets that likely have better documentation/communities (or the community for whatever language you are using instead).

  • Certainly not unable, but lots of factors seem like they would add to difficulty particularly if emulators didn’t exist (because cartridge-based storage, aging/costly hardware). Then there’s the idea of having a target on your back (or any tools that make it more viable) due to extremely litigious/malicious entities and to me it just seems like a niche that isn’t worth the extra time.

    I’m grateful for PC games under 100MiB. Closer to 10MiB is worthy of praise and below that may be half amazing. There is .kkrieger at only 95KiB for a 3D game (and that is another mealtime topic), but I think that is more interesting visually than it is for gameplay.

    Or to be clear, I see the “STILL” more for creating games for old proprietary hardware than for optimization itself.


  • My thought as well, the video Tom Scott did on the mountain town that has bespoke electric vehicles (and strict usage on them for needed business) comes to mind (R2oD1ZHNMFE). I don’t know how much is law and how much is companies not caring to cater to that market (even with designs that they sell in Europe), but Kei-like vehicles can still be affordable without being fully unsafe (but the issue of safety is more about the market making larger-and-larger trucks and SUVs, and lack of viable car alternatives paired with high speed limits).

    Higher cost really is not a fix. Other concerns like privacy seem like policy could mesh well with low-end (no internet connection, just-a-radio, common off-the-shelf parts, standards+no DRM etc). It would be nice for the option to exist in this space that US car companies are not trying to fill anyway.


  • The bigger issue IMO would be that not everyone has quality sleep, so they might not have a long uninterrupted time in REM to properly dream.

    Personally even when I’m in the right state to experience dreams (the type that I do remember) they usually aren’t very vivid, for the above reason or possibly something else. I also have aphantasia so it may be related (or other brain/life stuff). Once I did have a colorful-yet-still(ish) dream related to then-recent photography.


  • I don’t mind the idea, I’m in the US but I’ve got a 250w ebike w/the EU speed limit* just because it was cheaper… plus faster is less efficient and human power means I get less blob-like so it’s a win-win.

    Then again, it does have a twist throttle and I use this most often to slowly approach** or accelerate out of a stop sign (esp. crossing a road). Sometimes I’ve used it so I didn’t need to pedal in the sun (I cannot really sweat). I’ve needed to use it twice when my chain fell off and I didn’t have gloves with me. But generally my legs are contributing something… I wouldn’t mind some sort of different throttle programming, but really I don’t think my bike is one that is an issue at all w/throttle and throttle programming definitely wouldn’t cover all of these scenarios.

    Another thing is if I come to a stop and have forgotten to change gears, throttle is a save there too thanks to it not using the chain for its gearing. Or it can just mean less gear-changing in general.

    *= 25 km/h (~15mph). I have not changed it, plus my bike (with me riding it at least) is not even quickly hitting this speed, most of the time I was going ~10mph. To hit motor cutoff speed on flat ground I’d probably need to be be in highest gear+PAS and be really putting a lot of effort in (including leaning down for less drag, I normally ride in a relaxed position).

    **= cadence sensor does not allow it w/o brake usage