• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • I used to play the Beatles’ “Here Comes the S[o]n” on the speakers downstairs when I brought our first child downstairs after naps. My wife thought it was funny the first time, but after that it was all like “please don’t stop my playlist for your pun” and I’m like “it’s a literal dad joke!”

    Now that son is old enough to start his own music and I totally get it. “Hey, I was listening to that!”

  • This is what I keep saying. If I thought my kids’ teachers were evil indoctrinators trying to force an ideology I definitely wouldn’t want them to have a gun, and if I thought they were trustworthy enough to have a gun around my child I’d be totally fine with them making any and all decisions about what else they were going to do in that classroom.

    Of course, not being an insane person, I actually want them to not need a gun at all and also for them to have the freedom and resources to teach and stock their classroom as they see fit.