• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Don’t mistake the infighting over something that actually matters, for an inability to bully each other into being an obstruction to anything the Democrats want. Not electing a speaker is just as effective obstruction as well. As long as they don’t actually want to pass anything on their side, it’s arguably even more effective. And that’s their purpose. The current Republican platform is to be the exact opposite of the Dems, and whatever blurts out of Trump’s mouth at the moment.

    They don’t like each other, but they stand together being a wall for anything the Dems want to pass, regardless of what it is. At this point they’d probably vote against a nationwide abortion ban at conception with no exceptions if the Dems introduced the bill.

  • Because politics isn’t simple in reality, there are a lot of different reasons things are approved or not that may not even be relevant to the actual issue at hand.

    On top of that, the parties are very different on how they handle things. The Republican party generally will fall in line as a group, they treat politics very simply. Seemingly because they all have closets overflowing with skeletons that they’re all hiding for each other and they’ll be exposed if they don’t follow the group. You’re either part of the group and they’ll defend you at all costs, or they tear will you apart.

    The Democratic party on the other hand are like herding cats. They might be working towards the same general goal, maybe, but they won’t just fall in line because the group says they should.

  • It’s complicated, and Congress is taking advantage of that to keep him there. The nine-member United States Postal Service Board of Governors has sole authority to fire, and hire, the Postmaster General. At the moment there are only 7 members, 3 Dems, 3 Reps, 1 Ind. 6 members are required for a quorum.

    Biden has 2 pending nominations and a pending reappointment of an existing governor. There are still 2 governors remaining from Trump’s administration at this point. The Senate confirmed 3 seats in July 2021 and 2 seats in May 2022, and nothing since. They seem to be doing the absolute bare minimum to intentionally delay any possible changes.

    Note that these are not full time government positions like the Postmaster. They only meet once a month usually.

  • Because evidence doesn’t matter to his base. They don’t believe anything negative about him, all of it is lies. Likewise they believe everything bad about his enemies.

    Their beliefs are not rational. They are based entirely on emotion, not facts or reason. And they hold those beliefs so strongly that they identify as part of themselves. That belief cannot be shaken, because it means that part of them was wrong as well, and that couldn’t possibly be right. They would have to actually self-reflect, and they’re incapable of that.

  • Sounds like pretty clear voter intimidation to me. I bet if we follow it back far enough we get directly to DeSantis’ office.

    I went through an entire training for collecting signatures in AZ this year. I’ve never heard of a state sending police to verify signatures in any way shape or form. The various state laws around signatures on petitions are usually pretty clear. If there is a question at all about whether it follows the requirements, it’s not counted.

    This is why those petitions usually need 3-4x the minimum number of signatures to make sure it’s actually on the ballot. States love invalidating signatures for the simplest things.