• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • Also a white man. While I don’t find this wording racist, I do think it makes an implicit association between white masculinity and negative character traits. This is effective when used as a critical lens by which to examine people like trump and the maga movement, because in those instances, the association is accurate. That being said, I do find that this kind of discourse on a broader scope is unproductive and I can certainly understand why one would perceive it as inflammatory. If we as white men are serious about defeating toxic masculinity, increased toxicity is unlikely to be an effective strategy. I believe it would be far more effective for us to focus our energy on reclaiming the concept of masculinity by endorsing and promoting white men who use their power in society to stand up for those less privileged than themselves. We also can’t rely on media outlets to do it for us, it’s a thing we need to own.

  • It’s genuinely so amusing how badly that little dig backfired on him. I’ve seen other people also not realizing he was trying to riff on “I’m speaking”. The thing he failed to realize is that essentially any professional women that were watching have likely heard that kind of shit from an older man at some point in their career, and it makes him look like (more of) a complete asshole.

  • No worries. Personally based on my experiences, Vanguard funds are pretty well managed and even the riskiest funds wouldn’t be over indexed on a given stock.

    For instance, with $VOOG, only three out of the over two hundred holdings are over 10% by weight. Companies like Amazon, Meta, and Google didn’t even make the cut for 10%. Even if $DJT was included in a Vanguard fund, I would be surprised if the shares of that fund moved significantly in response to $DJT losing value.

    Obligatory: I am not a licensed financial adviser, this comment is my opinion and should not be considered financial advice.

  • Yep! This, a thousand times over. I’m also straight, white, a man, and financially secure. By all accounts I’d be fine or probably benefit for a short while from a trump victory. But I also fundamentally view voting not as just a right but a responsibility. As such I also view protest voting as fundamentally irresponsible, and a betrayal of my fellow Americans, principally those less privileged than myself.

    At the end of the day, sticking your head in the sand and “vOtInG yOuR cOnScIeNcE” doesn’t change the calculus of it being a spoiler vote and makes it more likely for trump to win, plain and simple. This directly increases the net suffering in the world by not only accelerating the genocide of the people of Gaza, but also making the US less safe and welcoming for a large swath of the population. It is fundamentally a selfish, reckless, and conceited position to take; it prioritizes one’s individual feelings over the collective safety of our society.

  • Yes this is very well said. Whenever I see these kinds of comments I can’t help but wonder just how much privilege the author is conveniently disregarding.

    I got into words one time with an acquaintance over the idea of protest voting. He really got under my skin because he said something to the effect of “well if trump wins I’ll be fine, and if I’m not I’ll just leave” - it’s like yeah dude, you can do that, plenty of other people can’t.

  • Precisely. This crowd loves to talk a good talk about the ratchet or the Overton window, but offers absolutely nothing in terms of practical, realistic solutions.

    No, a third party progressive with zero national name recognition and no ballot access in a majority of the country is not going to magically win 270 electoral votes if you write them in. If going viral was that easy everyone would do it. So grow up and offer a practical solution, or shut the fuck up.