dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️

Progenitor of the Weird Knife Wednesday feature column. Is “column” the right word? Anyway, apparently I also coined the Very Specific Object nomenclature now sporadically used in the 3D printing community. Yeah, that was me. This must be how Cory Doctorow feels all the time these days.

  • 115 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 20th, 2023


  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemmy.worldFond memories
    9 hours ago

    What? I don’t have to “imagine” anything. I literally owned one, for two years. Nothing was “sacrificed” on the Priv. It was in all aspects a completely modern phone, even managing to include a headphone jack and memory card slot, a curved edge display, wireless charging, and a 3400 mAh battery. And don’t try to come at me about battery capacity, either. Just to name an example, its contemporary in the Galaxy S7 had a 3000 mAh battery, was the flagship phone of its time, and sold bucketloads of units.

    Your argument is bullshit. Slider phones aren’t made because manufacturers don’t want to make them – be that for low projected sales reasons or whatever else – not because there is any physical reason they can’t.

  • The Priv wasn’t. Read the entire post. The Priv from Blackberry/TCL had a slider keyboard and altogether was 9.5mm thick. My current Moto G Power 5G is 8.5. An iPhone 16 is 8.25. This is not an appreciable difference.

    Obviously there’s not any technical reason anyone couldn’t make a modern slider as thin as current slates, it’s just that with the discontinuation of the Priv nobody does. And that’s not even getting into fixed keyboard designs.

  • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.worldtoAndroid@lemmy.worldFond memories
    8 hours ago

    People who want a keyboard, that’s who.

    I don’t get why people go around acting like these phones did not physically exist in the past in significant numbers, and both the “expense” and thickness problems were not, in fact, problems.

    My old Galaxy S Relay 4G was not appreciably any thicker than my current phone is with its case on it. And the Blackberry Priv I had after that was still exactly as thin as current modern phones.

  • My most fondly remembered phone is easily the Galaxy S Relay 4G I had for ages:

    In its time, this motherfucker was pimp. It was essentially a Galaxy S5, but with a slightly smaller footprint and a sliding five row QWERTY keyboard – with arrow keys and dedicated number row. It was the bossest thing ever for remoting into systems via SSH or RDP to administer servers at work and so forth. It supported NFC, MHL video out, USB on the go (which was not necessarily a given at the time), and I wedged one of those wireless charging stickers into it under its battery cover. Of course it had a memory card slot, a headphone jack, and a swappable battery.

  • Well, maybe. But the thing of it is, much of everything else sold on that site is more rebranded Chinese OEM stuff. They have a pile of ElitEdge stuff for sale, for instance. Remember them? They also have an assortment of Jin Jun Lang knives, Ganzo, S-Tec, and a whole avalanche of brandless Chinese nonsense. So it’s hard to say whose design this actually is versus who is just having it made OEM at that factory in China and sticking their brand name on it. I’m pretty sure these guys are just resellers, and so it is on and on everywhere else I found something similar to this.

    Usually when a knife has been knocked off it’s fairly evident once you find the original version because some changes (cheapifications, usually) are always visible between that and the knockoff product. But other than having different “brands” lasered into them, all of these seem the same.

  • “What the hell? These pictures are all watermarked!”

    Yeah, they are. You can play Spot The Penguin following along at home if you need some extra amusement in your life.

    I noticed an interesting trend of my little old knife pics posted to our dinkum Lemmy community unexpectedly scoring really high on Google image search results lately. Especially considering the subject matter, I figure it’s only a matter of time before I start seeing them reposted all over AI generated blogspam or some such similar nonsense. We’ll see how everyone feels on the matter – If it turns out to be obnoxious, I can stop doing it.