• 1 Post
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023


  • Put any distro in front of me and provided I don’t need to master it, I’m good. Ubuntu is fine. Debian is fine. RedHat is fine. Fedora is fine. I even have a tiny low-end system that is using Bohdi. Whatever. We’re all using mostly the same kernel anyway.

    90% of what I do is in a container anyway so it almost doesn’t matter; half the time that means Alpine, but not really. That includes both consuming products from upstream as well as software development. I also practically live in the terminal, so I couldn’t care less what GUI subsystem is in play, even while I’m using it.

  • The only time I’ve encountered people that care a little too much about what distro is being used, is right after having transitioned to Linux; the sheer liberating potential of the thing can make you lose your head.

    I’ve come across a lot of professional bias about Linux distros, but that’s usually due to real-world experience with tough or bad projects. Some times, decisions are made that make a given distro the villain or even the hero of the story. In the end, you’ll hear a lot of praise and hate, but context absolutely matters.

    There’s also the very natural tendency to seek external validation for your actions/decisions. But some people just can’t self-actualize in a way that’s healthy. Sprinkle a little personal insecurity into the mix and presto: “someone is getting on great with that other Linux I don’t use, so Imma get big mad.”

  • Most Americans in such a situation would wind up defying their ancestors in similar ways. A lot of families in the USA can trace their lineage back to people that fled religious persecution, racial injustice, famine, war, and tyrannical government. Migrating to a dictatorship that is currently drafting/conscripting their populace straight into a shooting war is a monstrous step back from all that.

    Nevermind that the Russians have/had nuclear stockpiles aimed at our heads. And the USA has Russia targeted in return. Come to think of it, choosing to be down range of the US is not a good idea in general.

  • The current Republican platform is largely based on stupid easily disproven lies.

    It’s worth mentioning that this strategy is straight out of the trolling playbook. The overall idea is to get everyone to waste their time arguing nonsense, making it impossible to discuss anything of merit. While the following article applies to internet forums, it’s not hard to see how any social media, TV, or radio, can spill over into our day-to-day discourse and have the same effect: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7573649/

    In this case, the topic at hand meets multiple criteria for deliberate trolling. IMO, there’s little room for doubt that we’re being led by the nose and baited to waste valuable pre-election time:

    • Digression - Luring others into off-topic discussions by spamming, partaking in cascades or introducing tangential topics (e.g., as in [16]).
    • (Hypo)criticism - Excessive criticism of others, e.g. on their punctuation while possibly committing the same errors oneself.
    • Antipathy - Creation of a sensitive or antagonistic context through purposeful provocation, in order to manipulate others to produce emotional responses.
    • Endangering - Giving out poor advice under an innocent guise, and others are compelled to respond in order to protect others.
    • Shocking - Posting about taboos or sensitive subjects, such as religion, death or human rights.
    • Aggression - Deliberate and open aggressing of others into retaliating (e.g., by name-calling or foul language).

  • talking about some unhinged and completely baseless conspiracy about immigrants stealing and eating peoples pets.

    The fact that he was so easily riled up and went immediately off script with such wild baseless improv, only to get fact-checked by the moderator, was glorious to watch. His handlers advisors must have broken the sound barrier face-palming through that.

  • … and the moderators fact-checked his shit.

    Honestly, Kamala didn’t have to say anything. It was all “trump v trump” for a little while there which was worth seeing and has been the crown jewel of very debate digest. All that needed to happen was for moderators to call bullshit on his hyperbole and fabrication in real time.