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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • Keep going! I wrapped those up earlier this year and still miss Vins exploits. Worth it and I wanted more. I need to get through storm light before listening to the next generation of mistborne.

    I’m working on the way of kings, Caladan is the freaking man, can’t wait to see how he develops. His little wind spirit just let us in on what she really is… not going to leak storm light here though.

    I am following his recommended cosmete order so tress and warbreaker were - nice stand alones that reminds me of Pratchett. Also great tidbits about the cosmere.

    I’ll be on Brandon books at least another year I think. Thanks to his work on WoT.

  • Omg!! Please tell me you know who makes that blue blanket. I have the same one since college 20 years ago and love it. It has almost no feathers left and I don’t care, but if I can get another I’ll be insanely happy. Haven’t been able to find that thing anywhere. Also I had an 18 yo black cat too that I lost last year, so that pict I did a double double take on.

  • That’s a lot of words for saying some people and groups of people that also identify as a non believer can be really arrogant pricks. my response is, I agree, and this is true of basically ANY and most groups of peoples. It would be a simple task to ‘what about’ your generalization here by pointing out the many cruel, dismissive and disrespectful things thiests say and truly believe about others and their metaphysical doom.

    A lot of atheists do not appreciate being a target of proselytizing and having what they feel is nonsense projected at them and their families. They don’t appreciate dogmas impacting laws, and history has shown the atrocities religious fervor can lead to when mobilized at a state level. People fear and often direct blame and scorn at the wrong people this again is true of most large groups. You maybe feel a target by those who have generalized you and your beliefs? Why perpetuate the cycle with more stereotypes that non believers will inherently act in a way?

    We can’t know everyone’s experiences, none of us know where others are coming from, so remaining respectful and tactful is important when discussing things like religion and politics. We must keep in mind a lot of what we read online is written by children who are finding themselves and their beliefs. They may be inherently immature, may want to get a rise out of you or just don’t know how to be tactful in discussion. Some of us never learn from these types of interactions. Some of us learn to try.