• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • There’s a strong case to be made that for any society, the citizen’s rights to bodily autonomy should be secondary to the health of that society, especially when the procedure in question is so trivially easy to get and overwhelmingly safe to do so and (it should go without saying) when all objections to said procedure are based solely on political ideology.

    The flip side of the rights granted to citizens from a society is a responsibility to that society, which is where the selfishness of conservative ideology is exposed.

  • evidence-based

    And all the evidence shows that, as the US is currently, voting for third-parties hurts you far more by allowing the major party that least represents you to win. You can’t claim to adhere to “evidence” if you don’t acknowledge that fact.

    Also, I’m going to let you in on a little secret: I don’t want any of the current third parties to win. None of them are serious beyond being spoilers for the major parties- they don’t host voter drives, they don’t campaign for local and state elections, they don’t do anything for four years then show up and expect to have the same shot as the major parties.

    I’m perfectly happy voting for a party to win who agrees with 60% of what I want than getting 0% of what I want, because it’s the rational choice to make.