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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • To my knowledge, there hasn’t been a major peer reviewed study to show whether these warnings make any difference.

    Now, my own anecdotal non-peer reviewed personal opinion would be that they probably make no difference at all. Businesses likely began adding them only to waive potential liability and not to actually do anything helpful. They can be frustrating because they spoil upcoming events in media that may have been unexpected or unknown, but because of the warning are now definitely known and thus feels “ruined” when it happens. They can also reinforce ideation of suicide because a person may feel like the ones that added the warning did it as a token thing, treating the person like they are a badge of honor or some kind of selling point. Whether that is true or not doesn’t really matter, a person that is suicidal is almost never “in their right mind,” and if they feel that way, they feel that way. Nobody can tell them how to feel, not even themselves sometimes.

  • You aren’t losing 25% profit. The cost of your Unity Enterprise license that you pay once each year would increase by 25%. For ease of understanding, if your license previously cost you $100, now it would cost you $125. However, Unity has stated that this is negotiable and does not have a fixed price. It is possible that this price is calculated with many variable including number of employees that use Unity (seats), yearly revenue and expenses, and potentially other factors as well.

    And again, for Unity Enterprise you would need to make a Unity game that makes more than $25 million per year.

  • Regarding potential societal issues:

    When multiple cultures mix together, one of two things can happen:

    1. The cultures mesh well and either coexist or mutually mix into something new

    2. The cultures do not mesh well and this leads to all sorts of problems, especially increased crime

    The second usually happens when both cultures place opposite value in something. For example, one culture places a high value on self and the other places a high value on being in a group, this can lead to a divide between cultures. Eventually, the resentment each group has for each other will lead to violence and other sorts of crime. One culture may think “I made the money for myself,” while the other thinks ,“we should all share the money.” If people don’t learn how to get along, you can probably see how that would increase criminal activity. In most cases, it is usually the expectation that the immigrant adapt to the culture of the new place they have moved to, rather than the new place’s home residents being expected to adapt to every immigrants different country cultures.

    It also isn’t good when immigrants enter a new country and do not know the laws of the country they have entered. They may commit crimes that could have been legal wherever they came from, but now someone may be a victim to a crime and the immigrant did not know. Now, usually immigrants that legally enter a country do learn about the basic laws of the country and the basic culture, but ones that enter a country illegally may know nothing about the place they are in. They may continue to act the same as they did in their previous home, which may have very different laws, leading to further divide.

  • “Hikes Subscriptions” - A bit sensationalist.

    A ~7% increase from $2040 to $2200 for a single yearly seat isn’t exactly a price hike, its barely a price walk. Even the Enterprise level, which increases by 25% (but is negotiable) isn’t that big of a jump when you put it into perspective.

    Unity Pro yearly seats only need to be purchased if your game makes more than $200k in revenue (was previously $100k). If you made that much, you can most likely afford the $2200 per seat.

    Unity Enterprise requires $25 MILLION in revenue. If you’re making that much money you can absolutely afford a 25% price increase on your Unity license.

  • RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.worldtoRetroGaming@lemmy.worldYet another video takedown.
    4 days ago

    Post text:

    Hi everyone, you may have noticed that my latest video is no longer available. Overnight I was served with a copyright takedown from Nintendo and received a copyright strike from YouTube.

    • The video was a review of the MIG Flash v2 and Cartridge Dumper, which I demonstrated as a use for backing up and preserving your own Switch cartridges. In the video I showed how to take my own games and convert them to digital files, much like you would back up CDs to mp3s, DVDs to mp4s, etc. There are legal protections for backing up media for you own personal use in the United States and I used no software to circumvent Nintendo’s anti-piracy measures – in fact, the Cartridge Dumper itself requires no software to use. If you are curious, the applicable source is US Code Title 17: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/te
    • Nintendo’s copyright notice is because at one point in the video I showed the title screen of Super Mario 3D World on my Switch, when cycling between various Switch games. So their copyright claim has nothing to do with the cartridge dumper, but rather they are exercising their authority as IP owners of that game to take the video down. This is the same as taking down any other random video that shows Switch gameplay on a Switch – but because they cannot claim copyright infringement on the cart/dumper itself, they claimed a different clip to remove the whole video.
    • This tactic has been used by them previously, and one of the reasons why I am always hesitant to show Switch gameplay and emulation on this channel. I firmly believe that we are users should have the ability to preserve our own media, especially in the face of disappearing digital marketplaces. This is why I have bought 100+ physical Switch cartridges over the years and found the idea of the Cartridge Dumper so fascinating and worth sharing with you on video.
    • It was my mistake showing Super Mario 3D World in the video. I focused the majority of my 23-minute video on IP that Nintendo doesn’t own, but while demonstrating the function of the cartridge I did show the title screen. My thinking at the time was that showing a static title screen running on a Switch wouldn’t be constituted as “gameplay”, but obviously that was incorrect.
    • While I likely have a case to counter-claim and fight for the video’s restoration, I simply don’t have the means to get into a legal battle with a multi-billion corporation known for their cutthroat legal team. I considered re-uploading the video after removing the three-second shot of Super Mario 3D World’s title screen, but there is no guarantee that they won’t serve me another copyright claim for something else, leading to a second copyright strike and putting my entire channel in jeopardy. Long story short, I am helpless to do anything about it, and the sad reality is that I cannot expect Google/YouTube to go to bat against one of their biggest content partners on account of this channel and three seconds of innocuous title screen footage.

    So as it stands, I will have to move on from this strike and simply make more videos focusing on what I love the most – showing how to play our favorite games on many different platforms. I’m heading home from Europe in a couple days and will start making new videos upon my return.

    My own remarks:

    Nobody makes me emulate more than Nintendo. For the first time ever, I want to cause financial damage to Nintendo. It frustrates me that I cannot hurt their profits more or really in any actually significant way. And its so sad, I used to really love Nintendo. But continuing to bully people to follow Japanese law who are not beholden to Japanese law needs to end. Immediately.

    I don’t want Nintendo to disappear. I just want them to do better. If they want to apply Japanese law, thats totally cool and understandable – within the borders of Japan. I don’t live in Japan, and my government afford me more protections from businesses than Japan does. The fact that YouTube does this and nobody except the extremely wealthy that would never run into this problem in the first place can do anything about it is disgusting. So I will do what I have been doing since 2017: telling the company how I feel by not buying their products.

  • RightHandOfIkaros@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldNSFW Tag for drug use?
    5 days ago

    Most people who need insulin administer it very differently from people injecting heroin, for example. I am sorry for people that do need insulin injections, but I don’t really want to see that without any warning on my frontpage.

    Diabetics I have known that do require insulin injections also usually have a device that covers the needle similar to what an epipen looks like. The needle itself is not actually very visible, and the injection site is often clean and not swiss cheese.

    Basically, I don’t exactly want my frontpage to assault my eyes with heroin addicts posting pictures of themselves shooting up because they think its totally fine to post that since there is no rule requiring that to at least be NSFW tagged.