• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Maybe because the goal of feminism is to have more equally not to bolster the ranks of marginalised people with even more women.

    Maybe if men wanted to have more women in these jobs they shouldn’t be so fucking hostile and sometimes dangerous to women.

    Maybe if men hadn’t built a society with only men in mind, including when designing equipment, procedures, etc., for these jobs, maybe women had a better chance doing them?

  • I still remember when I first saw this on Reddit the name of ruawri (including the trans flag) was cut off and people were insulting her in the comments how she was self-absorbed, “character looks nothing like her”, “she wishes she looked like that”, “women always make themselves in video games”, etc.

    When it turns out she is trans now suddenly it’s sweet and wholesome and got featured at Respectful Memes. People are hypocrites.

  • People need to bring back cheesy personal websites, banners and forum signatures…

    There are still some corners online where you can find and make those, even if you don’t have the money, time or knowledge to host one yourself. For example:

    Neocities (yes it’s like Geocities)

    I am obsessed with those sites. It’s like the internet back in the day when I was a teen. I hope the social media and content creator sludge never overcomes it…

  • I think people focus way too much on romantic relationships. And many seem to see them as their lazy ticket out of loneliness.

    If you want to improve social skills and alleviate loneliness people have to start and grow healthy communities, friendships and family bonds.

    Capitalist thinking has reached interpersonal relationships. Instead of seeking community, people focus on how to optimise their dating market strategies and such. That’s pretty fucked up.

    I think that’s also the reason why people lack interpersonal bonds. Investing into communities, friendships, relationships doesn’t fit into a world that is focused on linear progress and material gain. Applying this type of thinking (success, optimization, comparison, …) seems to lead mostly to resentment.

    But community is not something you can teach, I think. You can facilitate it by providing opportunities for community building. Like the so called third place and enough time for people to get together casually.

    Ultimately it’s something we inherit from generations before, though. And we only stray ever further from it. It’s in our hands now to do it in our lifes, online and in our neighborhoods etc.