• 18 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • Lmfao that’s NOT the original argument. Look again. The original argument is mine, the parent comment. Saying Dems should always be bringing up approval choice voting.

    Democrats should combat this by advocating for ranked choice or approval choice voting which is a fairer voting system and won’t allow for “spoilers”

    The other commenter then unraveled in their efforts to lick Democrat boots by saying it was simultaneously wanted by “most Dems” in legislation, while being too complicated for the average Dem voter base. Go read again. Notice how I never specified Dem voters or Dem politicians? That was on purpose. I meant the whole party, both voters and candidates. That’s why the 1 bill isn’t refuting my point and it’s why the other person gave up.

    Then they posted 1 Dem’s bill, saying it was by ‘some of the most senior Dems,’ and saying ‘most Dems would support it,’ then also got upset I suggested we talk about it more. Btw paraphrasing/summarizing isn’t a strawman lol.

    1bill being introduced a few times was never the debate. It was never the original issue. Read again, kiddo

    For the record, if you agree then you are only doing this to be abusive. You’re delivering this abusively. You could choose to ‘yes, and.’ You seem to enjoy abusing the only openly woman commenter here. Creepy of you.

    You straight up sound like someone who would get posted on r/iamverysmart.

    Projection on your part. I have never cared about my ego and “appearing smart.” But you’ve brought it up a bit. For no reason except your own embarrassing hubris

  • I think self inmolation protests tend to linger for a while. While you personally may not know every person to do it, I do think it gets attention and I remember them. I dont think i couod ever forget the videos ive seen. Certainly the witnesses and people who cleaned up the remains will remember forever.

    None of us have a guarantee of life. We aren’t entitled to life. There’s nothing saying he wouldn’t have died of cancer in 3 years anyways. This is similar to people saying “what if you aborted the future scoentist to cure cancer?” It’s nonsense based on an intangible future.

    None of us are entitled to work from another person. I mean this really sincerely, the state believes we belong to them and forces work out of us because we live in a giant work camp. So that’s the legal basis for why the state stops us from self harm - denying them the economic advantages of my labor.

    He did dedicate the rest of his life to causes he believed in.