Account abandoned due to dbzer0 members disparaging me for sharing my experiences and trying to provide interesting leftist OC

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • I used to be part of Amazon’s program where you get free items to review. It’s even worse than people think.

    I left negative or neutral reviews that just don’t appear on the listing, or the seller will contact you directly offering you more free things to upgrade your review, or they’ll just relist their crappy broken product and hope the reviewers write positive reviews (a lot of reviewers would just get free stuff and then write something positive without actually testing it).

    Amazon reviews are totally unreliable, and even those sites and extensions that try to determine if a product’s reviews are legitimate aren’t very effective.

    I just ask people directly to share their experiences now or create a post on Lemmy because it’s so bad.

  • Maybe this is what leads to so much cultlike behavior and unquestioned loyalty to one party or the other. And if you’re anywhere outside these parties, or you so much as criticize a sitting politician, then you’re hated from all sides and accused of being a Russian bot, which is especially disappointing when you’re someone who does hold your nose and vote blue, but that’s not good enough – you have to fully toe the line, or else it’s perceived as interfering with a campaign, a campaign which never ends.

    We’re not really a democracy, are we?

  • “Just a few hundreds more people in concentration camps and thousands more deported, and we can finally stop the Republicans from imprisoning and deporting immigrants and refugees!”

    Democrats having a normal one about human rights, eh?

    Edit: This may be a good place to remind everyone that the people we’re de facto targeting with these policies are people with indigenous roots. This can and should be interpreted through the lens of colonialism and our ongoing genocide against Native groups.

    Edit 2: Oh boy I cannot believe I have to say this, but these people with indigenous roots are not limited to Mexico and Central America. Does anyone know anything about history here?? My God, I’d assume if one is going to comment that one would at least have the slightest idea what they’re talking about.

    Edit 3: And to the people who think it’s some kinda “gotcha” to point out that I’m disengaging from people who are shit-deep in the anti-immigrant hysteria, you got me. Nearly half my family are immigrants, some of whom have been detained and/or deported by our racist border policy, and I live surrounded by batshit conservatives. So yes, this is a sensitive and personal issue to me. If I wanted to talk to people like that, I’d go to the gas station or bar. Lemmy is my opportunity to talk to people who at the bare minimum agree on certain fundamental ideals, an opportunity I don’t have much in real life. I will block and report you for name calling or other uncivilized attacks on my character.