• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • This is the attitude of a lot of non-vegetarian catering chefs when they are catering vegetarian meals. You absolutely do get protein deficiency, because they just take meat-oriented recipes and replace the meat with eggplant. Or they just put lettuce salad, and like nothing else.

    (I do occasional volunteer work for a pretty progressive organization that probably has some vegetarians in it. They feed us, but sometimes they are forced to use cheap crappy convention center catering that doesn’t know how to cook vegetarian food.)

  • That first part is eerily similar to what I was about to post.

    In 2011, I was a lonely introvert. I spent my time binging TV shows and reading.

    In 2012, on an IRL meetup thread on the 4chan x (paranormal stories) board, I met a new friend. I think deciding to meet them was the critical moment. They introduced me to a local arts and crafts club, a certain sci-fi fandom, and Minecraft.

    The arts and crafts club became the basis of a friend group that is still my main friend group today. They brought me to a local convention in 2013 where I discovered I was trans.

    In that sci-fi fandom, at a 2016 convention, I met my current partner, and a bunch of new friends.

    I played a lot of Minecraft from 2012 to 2016, but then my partner in 2016 introduced me to Factorio.

  • Sorry if this isn’t what you’re looking for, but my answer is basically “no”.

    I can take a 10mg Adderall 4 hours before bed, and fall right asleep. Sometimes, I can take a 10mg Adderall in the morning, and fall asleep at my desk at work, only 30 minutes later.

    Adderall makes me feel relaxed and totally unstressed. I’ve never had HRV stress measured, though. What is the experience like, to you, when you are having high HRV stress levels?

    Wellbutrin and most other SSRI’s and SNRI’s make me feel a little TOO relaxed. Some of them make me feel less conscious, and a little bit brain fogged. At the time, I described it as if my soul was detached from my body.

    To me, methylphenidate (Ritalin) gives the same effects as Adderall.

  • If you are Microsoft, then yeah. You’d go to jail when a Windows vulnerability is found.

    In all seriousness though: it would be more likely to be just a civil penalty, or a fine. If we did want corporate jail sentences, there are a few ways to do it. These are not specific to my proposal about software vulnerabilities being crimes; it’s about corporate accountability in general.

    First, a corporation could have a central person in charge of ethical decisions. They would go to prison when the corporation was convicted of a jailable offense. They would be entitled to know all the goings on in the company, and hit the emergency stop button for absolutely anything whenever they saw a legal problem. This is obviously a huge change in how things work, and not something that could be implemented any time soon in the US because of how much Congress loves corporations, and because of how many crimes a company commits on a daily basis.

    Second, a corporation could be “jailed” for X days by fining them X/365 of their annual profit. This calculation would need to counter clever accounting tricks. For example some companies (like Amazon, I’ve heard) never pay dividends, and might list their profit as zero because they reinvest all the profit into expanding the company. So the criminal fine would take into account some types of expenditures.