• 16 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年7月2日

  • I already know how this will pan out. Trump will lose the popular vote but get the electoral college - or at the very least claim to.

    The fact that even polling is so close is tremendously disappointing. In 2016 people could claim ignorance on how a Trump presidency would play out. No one has that excuse in 2024 anymore.

    I pray for the US of A but I’m afraid the battle was already lost long ago. All of this is just for optics. Illusion of choice and all that.

  • All slurs should be “acceptable”. Words only have the power attributed to them by humans. (Other) humans can choose to wield that power, to change it, or to leave it be. But policing language is never the answer; people will always find ways around it anyway, and 1984 warned us of the results of having language policed to an extensive degree.

    I’m sure some cunt will take issue with this stance, so to them I say in advance: suck my goddamn dick from balls to shaft and then go die in a ditch, bitch.