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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 22nd, 2023


  • palestine is fascist? They might be, they’re a war torn government and of middle eastern culture, so maybe.

    Israel? They’re a democratic country, so uh. BB himself is wildly unpopular within israel. Those aren’t normally possible under fascism.

    The US? The country almost subverted electorally. Only to push through on the sheer basedness of mike pence believing in democracy like a gigachad? TBF we have another election cycle coming up. But we’re doing fine at the moment so.

    The US federal government itself due to it’s war actions? Seems highly unlikely to me, popular sentiment for this war is, not great. Granted i don’t know any statistics on this, so i may be wrong. Since you’re here, and criticizing the government for this one, even calling them “fascist” over it. I would probably venture to argue that this is wrong by fundamental reasoning.

    I’m not really smelling any fascism here.

  • I’m a single-issue anti-genocide voter.

    you are going to be deeply disappointed when any number of things happens. Notably when you discover that israel probably isn’t just flagrantly committing genocide. When you discover other issues like climate change, and human rights abuse. Or like, nestle.

    I can think of a few things that would spook you more than like 40,000 people dying. Notably the roughly 300,000 causalities in the russo-ukraine war that’s still ongoing.

    The election can’t be subverted, it’s already been decided that Harris is winning.

    it most definitely can be, see: 2020 election and the jan 6 plot (a video covering the excessive extents of jan 6th, it’s 3 hours long, and straight information)

    there is already work being done to potentially subvert the will of the voters: see Georgia, i don’t have to explain this one, the board committee thing overseeing elections is trying to usurp total control over the certification of the votes.

    yes, harris is already winning that’s how polling works. Unfortunately for you, polling is never perfectly accurate.

    I like your root instance though. Real recognize real if you know what i mean.