• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023


  • that they know of.

    You can link any news agency you want. It will always come down to “that they know of.”

    most rich people will use tools to hide their assets (maybe not from the government, but from the public). Financial information- including stocks, general banking, companies they own or whatever. other assets these are generally confidential. The only really common exception is real estate, but there’s ways of hiding ownership behind companies, trusts, or such. there are entire lawfirms dedicated specifically to doing just that.

    People like the Rothschilds or Rockefeller families, and others… They don’t advertise. They don’t share that information, and they take extensive measures to ensure their privacy.

    One of those measures is not talking to Forbes and telling them how much cash they have in assets.

    So whenever reading that list. Always add that line: "the richest person dumb enough to brag about it" Because honestly, bragging about it like musk or bezos do… is really freaking stupid.

  • ‘the shooting’ is the Secret Service agent doing their job. The story going the rounds is that the agent was doing a sweep ahead of trump, saw a guy with something that looked suspicious and decided to fire on the guy. Whatever happened between recognizing that things were hinky and the shots… well. that’s the first question.

    my cursory search on FL carry laws suggest that unless the guy was coming back from hunting, fishing or target shooting, then he’s not allowed to open carry (there may be some other exceptions.) It’s dubious that’s what he was doing… In any case, dude in a public, not-controlled space, not being an active shooter doesn’t generally allow for lethal force.

    It’s entirely possible the agent walked up and chatted with him, or tried to, and the guy either bolted or gave him reason to justify lethal force.

    But the biggest question of all: why would a guy planning to kill Trump walk around in plain sight waiting for Trump to show up?

    Like. I’m guessing you could see the, uhm, idiocy in that one.

  • secret service really can’t just shut everything down when he shows up for a golf or something. Especially for his routine and daily life. It sounds like the guy was standing around a public right of way along the perimeter of the golf course.

    my understanding is the agents sweep the next hole ahead of trump getting there, and that’s when he was noticed. (I assume control both that, the hole trump is on, and the previous, to keep anyone from coming up behind,)

    the thing I don’t understand is how somebody would be just chilling with a rifle out in plain sight like that. Even the PA guy knew to keep the rifle tucked away before it was time, right?