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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • How many of those sirens are responding to a car related accident?I would assume a signifcant amount. They may also be able to use their sirens less if streets were less congetsed. I’m also much more forgiving hearing a siren responding to an emergency than hearing a modfiied honda fart all the way to McDonalds.

    Not doing anything about car noise pollution just because sirens and helicopters still exist is a poor solution.

  • I see many motorcyclists doing this but it is not the majority of riders. I’ve started reporting dangerous driving, aggressive driving, dangerous passes, and high speed drivers to police. On major or regional highways it is often effective as I’ll pass them pulled over later, results in towns/cities are less reliable due to traffic and more route options.

    For the bikers I consider it a favour to them, one I called in was practically asking to get flattened by a semi truck, riding the line while tailgating people waiting to pass. Even if they don’t hit anything their erratic driving could cause another driver to panic, swerve, or brake and could cause an accident.

  • You have to consider the versatility of a pc to truly compare them. The pc will have better alternative uses like web browsing, the pc is very easy and fairly cheap to increase storage, you may be able to upgrade just some RAM or GPU to keep up rather than buying a new console. You’ll also have access to more games and more modding opourtunities. You can still use a controller on pc although you are often at a disadvantage in most FPS style games.

    If you just want to game a console may be better or easier but overall a pc is usually the better investment in the long run.

  • The number of people who creep forward and honk at seniors crossing a street at a crosswalk while they have the signal is absurd. Imagine being so impatient that you nearly run over your own grandmother to shave 5 seconds off your travel time.

    I specifically try to never let a car take my right of way while crossing, too often i see people just wave a left turning car through then 5 other cars go and now the crossing is red and you have to wait another 5 minute for a safe chance to cross.