The real deal y0

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • Oh sweet summer child. Capcom is on a very sharp edge imo.
    Their games are solid, but everything around it is utter god damn dogshit.
    Sf5? Beta was very solid, was fucked up before release. Also had a terrible microtransactions system.
    Sf6? Very very solid base game, but to get all character and stages since last year + the game you have to pay +160 euro.
    Re4? Very solid remake, but prepare to loose performance on pc due to dunovo despite it being a single player game.
    Re: the village? Very solid game, but better pay shit up and also loose performance despite ALSO being a single player game.
    Megaman: mega who?
    Monster hunter : safe, for now. Monster hunter wilds looks amazing and loads of fun, but watch them fuck it up somehow…

    I like capcom a lot, have always supported them despite shit decisions and a few near bankruptcies but its the microtransactions/usage of dunovo and other weird ass decisions is making me hold back on buying their stuff atm…

  • No problemo, after your comment i read my comment again and agreed it could have been interpreted in a very different way. Hence a few edits i put in hehe.

    I also had a look inside and i must admit part of me thinks of an economic investment, its an unescapable thought due to the world we live in. However, it is not even close to my real reason and drive to help people, which is hope, potential and letting the person flourish like i have been able to do!

  • I know, and i understand the difference.

    Before you read on, remember this is a view from a european guy who has known social support. I am not american, and the american way of being all on your own, with your own devices disgusts me tbh.
    Im not saying taking care of children is an investment per-se, that is a must. They need to be taken care of, period. My argument for making it sound like an investment, besides basic human need, is one created to counter those that dont believe that and think of them as a waste of time and energy.
    I see childeren in need as a hope, a potential for humanity to become better. Those that have known trouble and being poor are special, they have the potential. And yes, maybe you can see that as an investment, but please consider it an investment into humanity itself, and most certainly not an economic investment!

    What i will confess, is that this changes for me, when we are talking about adults. Things, and situations somebody is in, are very complex things as we in a world with infinite possibilities and infinite different type of people. There is like that 0.1% of human adults that would abuse the system, make it worse for everyone because they dont know or can do better in their lives. Ive grown up around such people and i consider them … Not worth it. however, those people who spoil it should not ever ruin it for the others that want it, need it. A person that can not get basic needs fulfilled should always have the option to get support. Rules can be put in place for adults, yes, but the option should be there and a person should never be put on the street with nothing.

  • Thats actually an interesting train of thought imo.
    I personally believe every person that is, or will be in the future, a valuable part of society should get access to social help. Be it food, basic income, housing etc etc.
    I got this believe because i myself came from a poor family, with my mom basically raising 5 very difficult children on her own. However, all 5 of us became very valuable people in society but have all become a positive influence around us. One is product manager, another is cto, another is data centre engineer, all us have helped people who need it etc etc Without the social support we would never have gotten there.

    I believe in those principals because i believe those people should be supported so they can flourish, personally, or help humankind as a whole.

    What you said explains perfectly why i feel this way haha