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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 31st, 2023


  • The problem with difficulties is that it’s much more difficult to design an AI system which you can tweak and make it smarter or dumber as opposed to just increasing damage and health values, so devs will just implement the best AI they can and leave difficulties as afterthought.

    After playing a lot of games that don’t even have difficulty settings, I’ve started to believe in the idea that difficulty selection is just outdated game design and that having a single difficulty but optional areas/content that is more difficult is the way to do it. OSRS is one of my favorite examples - everyone plays the same game and going through levelling or whatever isn’t mechanically demanding. However, there are bosses and challenges (like Theatre of Blood which is an end-game raid or Inferno which is an end-game challenge) that are incredibly challenging and require weeks if not months of attempts to master and finally beat, but also are perfectly skippable and most casual players don’t even bother with them.

  • I don’t believe this would achieve anything to be honest. Consider the following: the vast majority of republicans saw Trump’s policies and Project 2025, without going “hold on, this ‘abolition of democracy and jailing of people who disagree with us’ thing is bad!”. If a Republican was actually reasonable with their morals intact, they would have hopped ship to Democratic party already or spoken out and disagreed against Trump earlier (there were a couple but they really were in a minority).

    All this ‘compromising’ is going to achieve is giving some of Democrat power away to Republicans who might split from current MAGA, sure, but once another Trump is in the picture they will go back to them straight away, except this time it will be much worse.

  • I don’t think this is a good thing. While the current form of conservatism was kind of started by Trump via whatever horrible things he was saying, it’s a pandora’s box that was opened and will probably never be closed again as long as there’s an audience to the talking points. If Trump were to become effectively disowned by conservatives, they’re likely going to replace him with someone even worse (someone like Mike Johnson or any other christian fundamentalist) which is the true horror.

    Also remember - all this talk from conservatives about Trump being a “bad candidate” is not because his policies or project 2025 are bad, it’s only because he’s no longer that popular.

  • Good, but why now? For years, Google has been way more dominant both practically and culturally until very recently, and only now after they stumbled hard with their AI venture, Bing catching up, and their public opinion dropping do they decide to break the company up.

    Does this mean that a monopoly is good as long as it’s successful, but once it starts stumbling and outlives its use that’s when the government is gonna do something about it?