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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Struggling to find the paper with actual tests, but there was a separate statistical analysis backing this up, and here’s a link to another paper confirming those results: https://docs.iza.org/dp8590.pdf

    Because it’s a huge chunk of the labs revenue, and there are other labs the companies would want to work with. Then the automakers who make up the rest of the labs business are now potentially liable for kids fitting without a car seat, instead of being able to transfer that liability to the car seat makers. What is the moral thing to do and what are you incentivized to do are very often opposite.

    It just causes far less headaches for automakers to keep the existing laws mandating child safety seats, so the liability can be transferred to other companies that now have a reason to exist, and you have a way of feeling better by spending $500 on the fancy seat instead of 100 bucks on a cheap one that works just as well.

  • Don’t blame the president: WE decided to go in and kill a ton of Taliban, WE decided to spend actual trillions standing up and equipping an army that did not give enough of a fuck about anything but grifting. The ANA did not even try to slow down the Taliban when the US stopped acting as a backstop. Afghanistan never really thought of itself as a cohesive nation, we were never going to change their psyche.

    I’d rather blame Bush and Obama for sinking trillions into helping their friends get rich at the cost of everyone pretending we were building a real country.

  • I donated to Bernie Sanders’ primary campaign and STILL get this shit. Their system is any candidate donations get reported to the party, and the party will disseminate your number to pollsters. Pollsters only get a few numbers to reach out to each day , and have no access so that it’s impossible to just get your name of the central list which the Democratic party owns. I called these guys and spoke to them, no results. I started responding with a message telling them each text results in a Republican donation and they slowed down a lot. Only have a few from the past month. But also this is why I’m just never donating to any Democrat campaigns since Bernie’s presidential bid and cannot bring myself to do so because of the torrents of spam it results in.

  • There’s Shall Issue and there’s “Shall Issue”. Where I live (Bay area) it’s 18 months wait and about $2,000 in fees including a state appointed psychiatrist who asks questions all of which have obvious correct answers. I think you need a coworker (specifically a coworker) to write a reference letter too. Also there’s a separate law saying you cannot carry in most places, basically rendering the permit useless.

    I’m not sure what Hawaii was doing but basically all the blue states have some flavor of this, where in the past your kids just had to go to the same school at the sheriff’s or you had to be an executive at a company or a celebrity and you got to carry anywhere you liked. At least now the same rules apply to everyone?