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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • While I get the frustration with current systems, forcing people to do anything—whether it’s military service, farm labor, or any other work—goes against individual freedom. In a free market, people choose the jobs that fit their skills and interests, which leads to more innovation and productivity. Forcing everyone into the same mold is just another form of government overreach. Anarcho-capitalism believes in voluntary interactions and the power of markets to self-regulate. Let people work where they’re best suited, not where the state dictates.

  • The best way to get capital is to have connections with government officials and use their absolute power to give you advantages or just straight up give you money taken from taxpayers. Exploiting people for profit is actually not easy without government aid. Don’t believe me? Go and try to hire someone to do something for you and see if you can exploit them and how much capital you can make off them. Let us know how it goes. Problem is, most people want fair compensation to do anything, so you just can’t exploit them too well. They won’t accept one penny less than they want. No, much easier to just have the government forcefully take their money through taxation and use your connections to get a piece of it.

  • Not surprised. Like chromecast audio, chromecast couldn’t really serve an adequate amount of ads. Basically it’s only value was it forced you to use stock youtube app to stream preventing any adblocking, but if you cast your screen, then it can’t stop adblocks, so it makes sense to discontinue this product. There’s some open source projects out there that might be worth looking into, NymphCast is one I saw, uses a rasberry pi.