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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • It’s wild the freedoms Americans have “the rest of the world” bitches and moans about. I think Obama was the best president in my lifetime and when I see sister fuckers say shit about him and Michelle, you know what I do? Laugh at how stupid they are and move on. The same thing the Obamas themselves do. Persecuting words that have no tangible impact on someone other than hurt feelings is weak, thin skinned, and swings the doors open wide for abuse. I can imagine 100 different ways a 2nd term trump could weaponize what you’re calling for and I prefer to be free to call him every name under the sun without fear of persecution. Im grateful to live somewhere where we have freedom of speech.

  • This is the shittiest violence stroking take Ive seen since the incident. You’re either an idiot or a false actor stroking the flame. Guns aren’t here so we can indiscriminately shoot dumb fucking nazis on the street. They’re here so if those nazis show up at your door to drag you and your families out, that they can be dealt with. Knowing that people have them is a deterrent from these cucks even showing up at your house.