• LwL@lemmy.world
    4 months ago

    I definitely agree with the point you’re making, though I’d just like to add that other dictionaries define racism as including discriminating by ethnicity, which is such a dubiously defined word it could be just about anything, and certainly can apply to your example of different parts of india.

    I am also very much influenced by the german definiton of the word, seeing how that’s my native language, which (according to duden) is “Lehre, Theorie, nach der Menschen bzw. Bevölkerungsgruppen mit bestimmten biologischen oder ethnisch-kulturellen Merkmalen anderen von Natur aus über- bzw. unterlegen sein sollen” - translated: “Teaching or Theory according to which people with certain biological or ethnical-cultural traits are supposed to be naturally superior or inferior to others”. This could of course include lactose tolerance (and I’d say if the comment hadn’t been a joke, it’d hit the definition perfectly)

    So I guess to a degree it wasjust a translation issue. The whole idea of using race to describe humans is seen as inherently racist here, so any definition of racism using that word feels 80 years outdated to me.

    Anyway back to work, cheers for an actual rational discussion, even if I think we’re only really in disagreement over semantics anyway