• shalafi@lemmy.world
    10 months ago

    This is by miles the worst firearm issue America has. Naive laws banning types of guns, magazine capacity, all that, do nothing for nearly half of all gun deaths.

    Example after example shows that so much as inconveniencing a suicide is often enough to stop them. Guns are point and click. They are literally the most convenient way to surely die. This is why I didn’t own a gun until I was 39, and most were bought recently at 50 or so. I wasn’t mentally stable enough.

    And if anyone wants to come in here screaming, “BAN all the things!”, just don’t. The 2A exists and the courts uphold it as an individual right, those are facts and not open to argument. And besides, I don’t hear anyone screaming about a handgun ban. Long guns, shotguns/AR-15’s/whatever, are something like 4% of gun deaths. Let’s focus on reducing the most harm.

    So what now? We somehow test people to practice their rights? There are plenty for whom I’d like to yank the 1A and the franchise. But I’m sorry, people are free to speak and vote in this country.

    And if we impose some sort of test, what’s the criteria, who administers it, who judges the results? What if one passes and later becomes suicidal?

    I already know the answer to that one. Gun laws have always been, and always will be, racist. Don’t take my word! Please look around for yourself on this one.

    And don’t start me with red flag laws, I know exactly how those would work out. Imagine vengeful exes, modern Brown Shirts, cops you pissed off, fuck me, even neighbors that are annoyed with you. While we’re at it, let’s just chunk the 4A right out the window.

    Someone invariably starts talking mental health. And I’m 100% down with that, just as I am some form of universal health care. But here’s the thing with the mentally ill, they often don’t know they’re sick or are too sick to go get help, even if it’s free.

    This is one of the most intractable problems in America, and I don’t have a clue what can be done about it.

    Anyone? I’m listening.

    • IchNichtenLichten@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      And if anyone wants to come in here screaming, “BAN all the things!”, just don’t.


      This is one of the most intractable problems in America, and I don’t have a clue what can be done about it.

      The 2nd amendment needs to go on the dustbin of history. I’m not saying people can’t own guns, but the right to should disappear.

      “But that’s not realistic”, you might say. Sure, it’s not going to happen any time soon but I think the US will get there eventually.