• Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Well there’s the time he lobbied Congress to take away the rights of striking railway workers.

    And then there’s the fact that he circumvented normal procedures to expedite weapons sales to Israel twice in December alone.

    That’s just two of many examples of him being on the side of the rich and powerful and against regular people every time there’s conflict between the two groups.

      • apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        He’s still against universal healthcare. I am tired of folks beating people for wanting candidates that are more electable than Biden running instead of him. Universal healthcare polls well on the right and left.

        That one issue tells you everything you need to know about him, he sides with corporate lobbyists before material needs of the people.

        • DarkGamer@kbin.social
          7 months ago

          Remember how much political capital Obama had to spend just to get the ACA passed, and even then just barely? I would love universal healthcare but this probably isn’t the best time to push for it, at least not until fascism is defeated and Democrats have the numbers. The president isn’t a genie who can just make things like this happen unilaterally. The public may support it but Republicans do not.

          • apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            This is a bleak perspective and I refuse to believe that it isn’t a good time. When will it ever. That view will never produce change.

            • DarkGamer@kbin.social
              7 months ago

              Pushing for legislation that is a non-starter when we are barely able to pass a budget to keep the government running isn’t a great strategy. Political capital needs to be spent where it is most effective, even if that means putting good legislation that isn’t viable on the back burner from time to time.

              I hope we get universal healthcare sooner rather than later, but our problems are a little more existential right now. They might elect the guy who wants to end democracy. Sometimes we must compromise and do what is viable rather than what is desired. The good should not be sacrificed in pursuit of the perfect.

              • apfelwoiSchoppen@lemmy.world
                7 months ago

                People not getting healthcare right now, is just as existential. Why are we not deserving of passing that? The time to fight for things like that is now. I’m not saying we shouldn’t vote against Trump, we are all saying it is best to have a healthy conversation about who would be a better candidate overall.

    • DarkGamer@kbin.social
      7 months ago

      How dare he… checks notes… prevent a national financial crisis but still worked to get the unions everything they wanted, and stand by our international allies in a crisis even when Congress won’t.

      I guess you’d prefer a reality where he takes the fall for the consequences of the strike, Republicans win, and Israel is thrown under the bus, providing an example to our other allies that we will do the same to them as soon as it’s politically convenient. Brilliant politics.

      • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
        7 months ago

        prevent a national financial crisis

        He did no such thing. That was just his bullshit excuse. The crisis from the next major derailment, one that could happen anywhere, including in major metropolitan areas, will likely be much worse than anything caused by upholding the rights of striking workers.

        stand by our international allies in a crisis

        Yeah, when those allies are operating an apartheid regime committing genocide, it’s not a good thing to pretend that automatically taking their side is the principled thing to do. The crisis is of their own making and US support in the form of weapons and funding is making it worse, not better.

        Republicans win, and Israel is thrown under the bus

        Bullshit. Republicans are MORE staunchly in favor of the Israeli government, being fellow fascists.

        we will do the same to them as soon as it’s politically convenient

        Yeah, because not enabling genocide by an apartheid regime is all about convenience! Gtfo with that bullshit!

        • DarkGamer@kbin.social
          7 months ago
          • You seem to be under the impression that the strike was about safety, it was not. It was about sick days.
          • Israel is neither genocidal nor an apartheid state, this is total hyperbole, and I’m very glad the Biden administration does not share your warped redefinitions of these terms. Biden is now putting sanctions on those who go too far in Israel, which I appreciate. I hope he goes after their right wing politicians next.
          • The comment I was responding to wanted Biden to throw Israel under the bus, not the Republicans that would replace him due to the financial consequences of a national rail strike.
          • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
            7 months ago

            You seem to be under the impression that the strike was about safety, it was not. It was about sick days.

            It was about both. You can repeat your narrative as many times as you want, doesn’t change the fact that you’re lying.

            Israel is neither genocidal nor an apartheid state,

            False. It’s by definition a case of both.

            this is total hyperbole

            Wrong again.

            your warped redefinitions of these terms

            Those aren’t my definitions. They are those of the Genocide Convention and South African Apartheid survivors.

            Biden is now putting sanctions on those who go too far in Israel

            Nope. He’s frozen assets of a handful of civilian murderers from the West Bank, but is still supporting the Israeli government genocide with weapons, funding and lying about the extent of their atrocities.

            The comment I was responding to wanted Biden to throw Israel under the bus

            Israel IS the bus and he’s throwing his own re-election prospects under it. He’s already alienated significant portions of crucial battleground states like Michigan and he’s hemorrhaging support from every voter who doesn’t consider massacring civilians the cost of doing business.

            the Republicans that would replace him due to the financial consequences of a national rail strike.

            Again, a purely fictional hypothetical invented to excuse the ongoing gross violations of labor rights by some of his favorite owner donors.

            I swear you Biden stans are just as blind to the many faults of your Dear Leader as the Trump cult sometimes 🤦

            • DarkGamer@kbin.social
              7 months ago

              Israel has not been found guilty of violating either statute, keep repeating it like a mantra but it doesn’t make it any more true. 21% of Israel’s population is Arab/Palestinian and they have full legal citizenship rights. Pretty odd for an, “apartheid state.” Israel is not attempting to destroy Palestinians in whole or in part, they are responding to an attack by a belligerent nation and going to great lengths to select legal targets in response even if they have significant collateral damage. It’s clear this is about self-defense and not racial based punishment, despite your uncharitable portrayal.

              I swear you Biden stans are just as blind to the many faults of your Dear Leader as the Trump cult sometimes 🤦

              Biden is the best president we’ve had in a long time and I’m tired of Hamas stans criticizing him for supporting our allies against unprovoked terrorist attacks. Supporting our allies in a time of crisis is the right thing to do.