• KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    6 months ago

    Some of these are funny and make me laugh but I really hate that this seems to be the Linux identity.

    Shitting on Windows and it’s users got old years ago. I see one of these every few days, or I see it in the comments attacking other users, it’s just miserable and sad after a while.

    Like we get it, windows bad, lets move on.

    • dan@upvote.au
      6 months ago

      Shitting on Windows and it’s users got old years ago

      It was already old back in the 90s when people were writing it as “Windoze” and writing Micro$oft with a dollar sign.

    • Eh, it’s all heretics all the way down.

      Pick a preference. Go on. Any preference at all. Coffee? Great! All the coffee snobs agree that Starbucks is shit coffee. Then the pour-over gals and the espresso makers go home and wash their hands. Then the 40/60 pour-over gals meet with the 30/70 pour-over guys and agree that the espresso makers suck; then THEY go home and wash their hands. Then the 30/70 Japanese filter guys meet with the 30/70 German filter guys and agree that the 40/60 gals stink, and so on ad nauseum.

      No group hates outsiders more than they hate heretics within their own group.

      • KyuubiNoKitsune@lemmy.blahaj.zone
        6 months ago

        I know, nothing wrong with the joke per se, it’s just the repetitiveness of the shitting on Windows thing. Lately I’ve been thinking of unsubbing to these communities because of it.

        • Hawk@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          6 months ago

          Windows gets in the news almost daily with new ways they made their product worse. Of course people are shitting on them, it’s still as relevant as years ago.

          • MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
            6 months ago

            Absolutely this. If everyone just used their preferred OS and got along doing computer things, that’d be great. But when biggie-techs like M$ are constantly deciding to make stonks-money-fueled, idiotic waves that forcibly affect practically everyone who uses a computer at all, (like a dedicated “AI button” on keyboards. Or announcing they’ll suddenly just paperweight WMR (VR) devices whenever they feel like it, or the whole “Windows 11 makes a bunch of recent hardware incompatible” thing, or Bing shenanigans…), it draws plenty of justified ire.

            I grew up with Windows and loved it until later versions began getting more and more “user-hostile”.

  • Kedly@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    Everytime I see this meme it annoys me. Mac is FAR WORSE than Windows, and why Windows has gotten more shit overtime is in large part because they’re trying to get a piece of Apples Pie

    • accideath@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      macOS is far from perfect, yes. But at least it’s useable. Windows is a shit hole in comparison. Hasn’t been great since 7. Windows’ only redeeming qualities are window management and the vast software library that dates back to the dawn of time itself.

      • masterspace@lemmy.ca
        6 months ago

        MacOS is terrible, it can’t render text on 1080p screens, it can’t output to more than one monitor over thunderbolt, it demands a dock and title bar, taking up limited vertical space.

        Windows does everything MacOS does but better and without being a patronizing locked down poc. I mean try and enable seeing hidden files globally, impossible.

        • accideath@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          I’ve never had issues with text on 1080p screens. Yes, macOS scaling isn’t great, unless you happen to have the right resolution but in my experience, it’s fine on 1080p.

          The Video Output isn‘t a macOS limitation but a hardware limitation of the base M chips. Some macs can output more than one monitor over TB. It’s stupid, yes. But not macOS.

          And the dock happens to be hideable and moveable. Windows 10 cannot do the latter anymore…

          Windows on the other hand is an amalgamation of at least 4 different UI styles and so much bloat that it hurts. Microsoft constantly gets on your nerves to please please please use edge and bing, the search function is less useful than just searching everything manually and Windows update is as annoying as ever.

          And that’s if you don’t get a slew of random problems and bugs. A little while ago, Windows 11 stopped registering keyboard inputs in UWP apps for me, so I couldn’t use search at all (and a number of other things), at least not without using the on screen keyboard. I even reinstalled the OS and it worked fine for a week or so until it broke again. At some point I couldn’t even log in because I had to reset my password and the log in screen for the Microsoft account also didn’t accept keyboard inputs. And of course there was no way of opening the on screen keyboard either.

          And that’s just one of the many issues I’ve had with windows. It just randomly breaks far too often, which is why I‘ve uninstalled it from my PC.

          • masterspace@lemmy.ca
            6 months ago

            I’ve never had issues with text on 1080p screens. Yes, macOS scaling isn’t great, unless you happen to have the right resolution but in my experience, it’s fine on 1080p.

            It objectively is not. Look up sub-pixel rendering / try using a Windows laptop then switch back. Blurry AF all because Apple decided that once they switched to high res screens everyone should throw out their 1080p ones.

            The Video Output isn‘t a macOS limitation but a hardware limitation of the base M chips. Some macs can output more than one monitor over TB. It’s stupid, yes. But not macOS.

            No. I did not bring up the absurd one monitor limitation of the m series chips. I brought up multi thread transport, the display port feature that lets windows laptops output 4 monitors over one thunderbolt connection but MacOS is limited to two, even on M Pro and Intel chips.

            And the dock happens to be hideable and moveable. Windows 10 cannot do the latter anymore…

            The dock is hideable and moveable because it’s fucking useless. Want to know what Windows you have open? Go fuck yourself we’ll just show you what programs you have running. Wanna know what Windows is on which monitor? MacOS again says go fuck yourself, no possible way of telling you that information. Oh and MacOS will demand a title bar from every single window too cause there’s so much vertical space to go around!

            Literally just turn your windows update cadence down to stable and you’ll avoid those issues, though quite frankly I’ve had more issue with MacOS updates breaking everything. Hell at least Windows tries to maintain backwards compatibility unlike Apple that considers anything more than 4 years old to be trash that should be thrown out or it will make them puke.

            • accideath@lemmy.world
              6 months ago

              Let‘s just say, we use computers in different ways and thus expect different things from our operating systems. I cannot use windows for more than web browsing without wanting to punch my monitor and you might feel the same about macOS. I prefer a coherent design language over decades of backwards compatibility, etc. Both have their merits and neither is perfect. There’s a reason they both exist.

              • masterspace@lemmy.ca
                6 months ago

                I cannot use windows for more than web browsing

                What more do you use your operating system for? Like 99% of personal apps are web apps, and like 80% of business apps are. I mean most of what I use an OS for is managing my open application windows, and MacOS’ dock / titlebar business make that objectively more difficult than Windows or most Linux distros.

                I understand we may use them differently, but since I’m forced to use a Macbook for work, I’m genuinely curious about how people are using it without being frustrated to all hell. Or is it just that you haven’t tried to use Windows since the Vista days?

                • accideath@lemmy.world
                  6 months ago

                  I use a lot of software like the Adobe suite, office, scanning, managing and editing photos or my (linux based) server, etc.

                  macOS vastly superior search is worth a lot to me. So are built in features like bulk renaming files, merging pdfs and a fast built in pdf viewer, that isn’t a browser. I‘m also a huge fan of the stacks feature to keep my desktop tidy, something I never manage to do on windows. Also quick look is very neat, especially if you work with lots of images, videos or documents.

                  I also prefer Apple‘s office suite to Microsoft Office by a long shot. (Speaking of vertical space. MS Office takes up a lot through the ribbon bar). It’s not as feature rich but has anything I could need and is much cleaner and less bloated.

                  And for managing open programs: I just don’t. If I want a program to be closed I close it manually (cmd+Q), otherwise I just leave it open (the program, not the program window), especially for programs I use a lot. macOS is very good at RAM management, in my experience and the new window opening immediately is great.

                  Also, I prefer my programs running in full screen, especially on my macbook, and macOS easy gesture based navigation to switch between virtual desktops and to launch mission control to switch between apps quick and fluidly are great. Even works with my logitech mx master mouse. And with third party apps like magnet, there’s even window snapping.

                  The titlebar doesn’t bother me. If I need the space, I just go to fullscreen. Mostly I don’t because I have a rather large monitor and even on my MacBook screen it’s not that huge. It’s like a third of the thickness of the windows start menu and programs don’t need their own menu bar because it’s global.

                  And I’ve actually used windows a lot, even recently. I‘ve just this month finally replaced it with linux on my gaming PC. I miss the Windows 7 era because it was still bloat free, coherent, and a desktop OS through and through. Windows 8 was a joke and Windows 10 (which I downgraded to again, after 11 was even buggier) is fine in comparison but full of ads and Microsofts overemphasis on telemetry and pushing features and programs no one – or at least I don’t want (cortana, co-pilot, bing, edge, one drive, office 365, that weird weather/news widget in the task bar, etc.). They don’t even allow you to use a local account anymore, unless you use a workaround in terminal. Dealing with audio devices is a mess, double so, if you throw bluetooth into the mix. I’ve already mentioned the keyboard input problem in 11. For some reason, games tend to minimize from time to time, a few minutes after launching, … The list goes on. Even small things like windows not being able to correctly use MB and MiB, which got defined by the IEC decades ago and is used correctly by any other noteworthy OS, get on my nerves.

                  macOS and windows have wildly different philosophies and well, if you’re used to one it’s not that easy to switch. But also, Windows’ shortcomings, combined with my own curiosity and knack for tinkering with PCs) drove me towards macOS, years ago, since I started using it on a hackintosh, that, in my memory, ran more stable and faster than Windows on the same machine… it was just a bit too much hassle to keep updated.

    • masterspace@lemmy.ca
      6 months ago

      There are many qualms to have with it as an OS

      • It demands both a dock and a title bar, a huge waste of vertical space on screens that are vertically limited

      • There’s no way of globally enabling hidden files and folders (you can do it for finder through the terminal, but can’t do it for the file picker windows)

      • It doesn’t support multi-stream transport, so despite being all about simplicity you cannot display more than two display port screens over a thunderbolt connection, whereas windows can do 4.

      • It doesn’t support sub pixel rendering, making text look blurry AF on 1080p and any other screens that aren’t super high res

    • nUbee@lemmynsfw.com
      6 months ago

      I’d argue that Apple hardware is their greatest strength. It’s just hard to see that when their anti-consumer behavior and proprietary software gets in the way. If their laptops were able to run fully on free software without compromise, I’d have no problem buying their stuff.

        • mac@infosec.pub
          6 months ago

          Linux, they want to be able to put Linux on it without sacrificing any performance or battery life. You can put Linux on it (Asahi Linux) but it will likely never be as performant and efficient as macOS solely because the teams at apple work incredibly well together, they know the system inside and out, they know what its capable of running at and how far it can be pushed or how much can be placed on the efficiency cores etc.

          • dan@upvote.au
            6 months ago

            That and many pieces of open-source software are only available for Windows and Linux (and maybe FreeBSD). It’s not uncommon for developers to not want to pay the Apple Tax to port their app across, and it’s also not uncommon for Apple users to pay for proprietary apps that have open-source equivalents on other OSes.

  • qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website
    6 months ago

    macOS is UNIX. If your workflow is heavy on the command line, it feels pretty similar to Linux, which is no surprise. The userspace is definitely different (it’s not GNU) but if you ssh into a macOS box, you should feel pretty much at home.

    I feel like a lot of these flame wars are basically just “I like Y GUI better.” Which is one of the great things about Linux of course, that I can run i3 and you can run Plasma. For me, having a more-or-less unified (command line) interface across my Linux laptop, my various home lab SBCs, my VPS, and my work laptop is pretty nice.

    (And yes. I would much, much, much prefer i3 to yabai on macOS.)

    • loaExMachina@sh.itjust.works
      6 months ago

      In this case, I think the OS being closed source and kind of a “walled garden” where a company controls everything is what most Linux users dislike about Mac.

      None, or at least very few of us hate on FreeBSD or OpenIndiana the way we do on macOSX, so it’s not about it being UNIX. Furthermore, some Linux DEs can resemble the mac interface a bit, like GNOME, or even KDE if it’s customized a certain way. Granted, GNOME does have a few haters among us, but not at the same level as Apple.

      • WolfLink@lemmy.ml
        6 months ago

        macOS: there are very few issues, but when you encounter one, it’s impossible to fix

        Linux: there are lots of issues, and but they are all fixable, but each fix might be a rabbit hole of figuring out how to compile someone’s GitHub project they seemingly abandoned 4 years ago.

        • MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
          6 months ago

          But boy oh boy, do you learn things from those rabbit holes. It can be a MASSIVE pain, but I enjoy that I’m at least picking up XP points whenever I make time to fix stuff and learn more.

          • dan@upvote.au
            6 months ago

            XP points

            You need to upgrade to 11 Points. XP reached EOL a long time ago.

            • MonkeMischief@lemmy.today
              6 months ago

              I knew I was walking right into that one and I’m just glad somebody went for it. Well played bro hahaha.

              I did theme my KDE to look like XP on my laptop though…I miss the aesthetic, but maybe not a bunch of other things that have gotten infinitely better since then. :)

    • dan@upvote.au
      6 months ago

      If your workflow is heavy on the command-line you’d probably get more value out of Windows with WSL than you would from MacOS… At least then it’s Linux everywhere rather than having to remember the differences between GNU coreutils and MacOS coreutils.

      • qjkxbmwvz@startrek.website
        6 months ago

        Sure, but you can also brew install coreutils on macOS.

        My point is only that macOS is UNIX. Linux looks a whole lot like UNIX**. But no matter how much you squint, Windows isn’t UNIX. Which is completely fine, and everyone is entitled to prefer whatever OS they choose. For me personally, macOS feels familiar. I will always choose Linux if I have the choice, but barring that, I’ll take an OS where I can rsync over my .zshrc and .vimrc with minimal shenanigans.

        **And in some cases is UNIX — EulerOS, a Linux distro, was UNIX-certified.

        • Simon@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          6 months ago

          But it is. WSL is linux. With most distros available. Macos with coreutils is macos with coreutils.

  • angrymouse@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I prefer windows than Mac. At least windows and Linux UIs use some kind of similar pattern. Mac is too expensive and much more close than windows.

    Games? Mac is a joke. Personalization? Mac is a joke Price? Lmao

    Windows is dog water but is always my second option, at least I can use some Linux with wsl and dont have to relearn how to type.

    • SaintWacko@midwest.social
      6 months ago

      Not a fan of Apple, but I have a work M1 MacBook that I use as my personal laptop, and it actually runs games really well. Even most games that aren’t made for Mac will run with the GPT.

  • Olivia@lemmy.today
    6 months ago

    On a side tangent: Sanitizer sometimes is better than soap & water. But soap and water almost always has your back.

    So in the context of this meme, Unless Apple comes up with a killer operating system version. Probably one with ZFS/BTRFS hybrid.

    • dan@upvote.au
      6 months ago

      Probably one with ZFS/BTRFS hybrid.

      It’s not as advanced, but APFS (the standard file system in MacOS) does support a few advanced features, like copy-on-write, snapshots, sparse files, and transparent encryption.

  • systemglitch@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Even implying mac is better is utter lunacy. I feel like Linux users are seriously out of touch sometimes.

    • nickwitha_k (he/him)@lemmy.sdf.org
      6 months ago

      It’s all subjective. What do you want the computer for?

      Games? Mac isn’t a great choice.

      CLI-centric work over ssh? Windows is pretty terrible.

      I’m in the second category. I have consoles and a Steam Deck for games, so, standalone PC is a waste for that purpose. I work on code and tools that are meant exclusively for running on Linux and haven’t had a Windows machine in over a decade. Working on Windows would require that I learn the OS just for that and I really don’t want to. Plus, the company likes the support contracts.