• Mycatiskai@lemmy.ca
    7 months ago

    What is inflammatory?

    Israel controls the flow of aid - fact

    Israeli citizens are blocking trucks with bouncy castles and protests, the IDF isn’t exactly pushing all that hard to let the trucks past the protesters.

    Hundreds of trucks a day were needed before these attacks and the Israeli genocidal response. After the ICJ initial ruling said Israel had to get more aid into Gaza there has been less aid getting in.

    Children are going to starve first because they were in the most precarious position compared to adults. There will be a balance point and when they get on the other side of that balance point the number of people dying from starvation is going to exponentially increase.

    • HappycamperNZ@lemmy.world
      7 months ago
      • food aid massacre

      • 4 children starve

      • “injured Palestinian”

      • harrowing survivor accounts

      • “we don’t want to live on the blood of our children”.

      No one is named, no images of the people they talked to, no author (this is the big one), no mention some were killed in stampede, no mention of warning shots or why Israel claims they fired (because there is no doubt they did fire shots and people were killed by gunfire). No images of the scene, graphics, anything.

      It is written to paint Israel as bad as physically possible with no way to check references, authority and research done by authors, no mention there is ongoing investigation into the causes. No discussion of the currently debated timeline. Its implying little more than Israel put a truck somewhere and shot everyone around it.

      No mention that Israel put out a statement saddened by those killed in the stampede that Israeli soldiers tried to control - i think its bullshit but it did come out.

      It is a non factual, emotive, biased piece that can not be cross checked in any way. My response is longer than this piece, and has a trackable account linked to it.

      Edit: I cant link, but would like to refer you to both the Al Jazeera and improvethenews.org articles on this. Much more factual.