• Donjuanme@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    People who seemingly have all the time in the world to troll forums and make what could be happy places toxic. There aren’t enough positive people with spare time to keep a forum active and attractive compared to how little time it takes to turn something into a cess pit.

      • Donjuanme@lemmy.world
        6 months ago

        Steam and lemmy are my go-tos these days, probably thirty minutes a day. Yet I see the same people in every thread promoting negativity. (My block lists are in the hundreds for both sites, but once they finally incur the wrath of moderation they just make a new account)

  • SharkEatingBreakfast@sopuli.xyz
    6 months ago

    People not taking the time to understand something that is explained to them.

    This can apply to technology, mental health, etc. Drives me bonkers.


    “I don’t get why my cats don’t like hanging out with us!”

    “The cats are constantly picked up and dragged out of spots they go when they are stressed from all the noise. You forcing them to ‘cuddle’ and ‘bond’ with you is doing the opposite.”

    — continues to do the same thing, stress out their cats, and complain about it —

  • vortexal@sopuli.xyz
    6 months ago

    Talking to the support team for most services. They have a tendency to act like your issue isn’t real or that there is absolutely no way that the issue could be on their end and it just wastes both your time and theirs. You have to constantly repeat everything pertaining to your issue or else they forget everything about your issue and start asking questions or giving advice that is irrelevant to not just the issue you’re having but also how you use the service.

    For those who don’t mind reading my rants, there are two times I think I had the worse experiences with.

    The first was with Google, I had an issue on the Google play store where I couldn’t review an app that I had downloaded because it would give a generic error message saying something like “an error has occurred”. I tried writing the review both in a web browser on my computer and in the app on my phone but no matter what I did it wouldn’t post the review. I thought the issue would be a simple fix for them but when I contacted them, they constantly forgot what my issue was and the fact that this issue happened regardless of what app or OS I was using. There was also an issue where at some point in the conversation where I thought they redirected me to a bot that then ghosted me after a few days, because up to that point all of the emails mentioned the name of who I was talking to and a survey that I would get after the conversation was over.

    After that I was checked out and I just wanted the conversation to end. So when they did eventually start emailing me again, I told them that even if they don’t fix the issue, I wanted the conversation to be over. I was checking about once a month to see if they fixed the issue and they did about 6 months after the conversation ended.

    The second time was with HideoutTV (a youtube alternative that, at least used to, double as a “beer money site”). I had an issue where I can’t watch any video on their website in any browser I use on my tablet. I thought this would also be a simple fix because YouTube works fine on my tablet. I mentioned what my tablet was and every browser I tried, even showing screenshots so they know what this issue is, that the browsers were fully updated and that I didn’t have any extensions installed (for the few that had them). I did everything they told me to do and even provided further screenshots in case they would help. But the thing that aggravated me the most, was that the CEO of Hideout came into the conversation, ignored everything that I said and all the screenshots I posted and proceeded to insinuate that I wasn’t being cooperative and made some excuse about how one of my browsers looked outdated (despite being the newest version available) and that if I just updated that browser, my issue would magically disappear.

    This obviously upset me greatly because I thought I was doing more on my end then most of the users they normally work with. I don’t remember exactly what I responded with but I remember saying that I thought their platform would be similar to YouTube and that this would be a simple problem for them to fix but the conversation proved to me that they’re incompetent. I then asked how my browser could look outdated when I’ve already proven multiple times that every browser I used was reinstalled multiple times and fully updated every time I tried them. They never responded after that but about 9 months later, they had the audacity to mark the issue as “solved” even though it definitely wasn’t and I decided to stop using their platform. Although, I don’t think I’d be using their platform anyways because apparently they stopped paying their users.

  • dan1101@lemm.ee
    6 months ago

    Litter. Feels like a lot is people irresponsibly not securing the trash they’re hauling, but also a lot is people just purposely throwing it on the ground. Stop that you fools, you’re making the world worse for everyone. No one wants to see your beer cans and McDonald’s wrappers laying around.

  • ettyblatant@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    When : person A and person B are coworkers, or family, or otherwise established with each other. Person A asks me directly to do something. I have no reason not to, so I comply. Person B then comes up to me, IRATE, does not just ask me why I did such a thing, but lectures and belittles me and my judgment as well. Person A does not step up, and if I “throw person A under the bus” then person B doubles down on why I still shouldn’t be doing it.

    This has happened to me since I was a child. I am now 37, and ultimately just don’t give a fuck if someone asks me to do anything weird unless it’s in fucking writing. I’m so pissed off even writing this AAAAAAAAAAAA FUCK YOU SHAUNA

  • SavvyWolf@pawb.social
    6 months ago

    Megacorps, regular corporations and just people with influence unilaterally deciding what people do and do not want, and what they can and cannot do.

    For example:

    • The push for AI in everything, without the option to turn it off.
    • Also assuming that clearly I’m cool with contributing to the datasets used to train these AIs without compensation.
    • Constant changing and redesigns of UIs/UX to “modernise them”.
    • Not allowing people to customise or tweak things, or use custom clients.
    • Deciding that clearly I’m cool with them violating my privacy and tracking me.
    • Unilaterally changing contracts because you’ve decided you need more money (which sounds super illegal yet has happened twice over the last year).
    • Mastercard, Visa and AMEX’s anti-horny policies.
    • Likewise, governments banning or restricting porn to “protect people”.
    • Deciding that sharing photographs of IDs is at all am appropriate way to verify age.
    • Games requiring rootkit and Linux incompatible anticheat and that’s somehow preferred over server side anticheat.
    • Likewise, games that don’t let you set up custom servers.
    • People deciding that streaming music and tv for a monthly fee is somehow better than owning it.
    • Companies that guard their IP so tightly that they stifle creative expression.
    • Homophobia, transphobia and all the other discrimination stuff.
    • Furry hate (which is just homophobia btw).
    • People in many democracies not being willing to try things that aren’t first past the post.
    • That the only way to run an economy is to have people at the bottom live in poverty and suffer.
    • The fact that a conversian therapy is still used to “treat” autism in many places.
    • And the fact that people are trying to “cure” autism by genetic screening (eugenics).
    • And in general that people have the right to decide what a marginalised group wants or needs, even without being a member of that group.

    And a special fuck you to the people who hear these comments and respond with “well, they have the right to run business/raise their children how they want”. As if monopolies have no social responsibilities… Or to instantly disbelieve anything I say because they have an overly optimistic world view…

    … Sorry for the rant. Been having a bit of the ol’ depression over all this and saw an excuse to just get things off my chest.

    • brygphilomena@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Specifically towards business can run how they want. It’s such bullshit! We can create regulations, we NEED to create regulations.

      We need to use the power of the government to protect the people from greedy corporations.

  • ramsgrl909@lemmy.world
    6 months ago


    1. Do not make a 30 minute meeting with me if it can expressed in a few sentences via email.

    2. If you are trying to rely information to me via email, keep it simple. No need to write a novel to essentially tell me the new data will go in production next Wednesday - just say what’s happening and when. 1 sentence.

  • Pat_Riot@lemmy.today
    6 months ago

    People who bring their feelings and baggage to work. Like, we are not here to be your therapists. We work in a factory. Fuck off with your squishy bullshit. That goes double if you also suck at your job. I have 10 fucking minutes to nit stare at my machine, shut up and let me smoke my cigarette.

      • spiderman@ani.social
        6 months ago

        we usually go barefoot in our houses unless you have a separate slipper for home. but he doesn’t have a separate one and uses the same one for outdoors and indoors which is kinda annoying. I can’t complain since he’s a bit (5 years) older than me.

    • Bruncvik@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      I insist on slippers. I tend to bang my toes or, even worse, catch my toenails on all kinds of protrusions (from stairs to skirting boards). I run a lot, so I keep my toenails very short, but it happens quite often, and slippers are the best way to prevent it.

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    6 months ago

    People who don’t activate their turn signal until after the light changes. You were supposed to give me warning of your intent so that I pulled up to the light in the other lane. Pure rage.