• olivebranch@lemmy.caOP
      6 months ago

      He will always be here because democrats will support him so he can be a scarecrow for people to vote for them.

      • OpenStars@startrek.website
        6 months ago

        Tbf, in that case we had the documents written and signed and sealed and delivered and notarized and what-not for decades in advance. Literally. A lot of preparatory work went into making that happen.

        The judicial branch, on the other hand, has been predated upon by so many groups acting to try to disable it so they can get their way - e.g. the last real anti-trust lawsuit was in the 90s, with Internet Explorer bundled into like Win95 iirc - that it can barely hobble along to do anything. People ask for it to do so very extremely much, like consider the detailed cases of every single immigrant that comes into this country asking for asylum, but then it is not given the resources that it would need to properly do a tenth of what is asked.

        Though you are right, b/c it still did manage to overturn Roe v. Wade pretty quick. When it wants to, all the barriers somehow magically just disappear…

    • olivebranch@lemmy.caOP
      6 months ago

      Democrats don’t want to get rid of him. They supported him in the first place. They need him to scare the voters into voting democrat.

      • OpenStars@startrek.website
        6 months ago

        I think it is more complex than that - as in yes but also no at the same time.

        The media used him to gain moar profitz, fo sho. Forget “equal time”, they git it to whoever says the most inflammatory stuff imaginable 😡.

        Dems probably wanted him to win out over Ted Cruz, who may arguably have been worse, as in less amenable to being controlled. If you get a chance, watch that video of him where his family makes material for an upcoming election campaign, and the camerman only pretends to turn off the camera - you can get the real, unfiltered look at how they treat him and vice versa. He is legit scary.

        And don’t forget the hand that Repubs had in all of this as well: it was supposed to be Bush (JEB) vs. Clinton, but he fumbled, but then they could not punt it down the road to try to win Congress rather than the Presidency b/c they had previously spent 8 years denying all judicial nominations during Obama’s Presidency. They HAD to get the Presidency, so ultimately they still backed Trump despite knowing what that would mean.

        And it cost the Repubs dearly: most of their entire old-guard is gone now, having been replaced not with the newer Tea Party faction but now even the Alt Right. Very few have remained after Trump’s multiple purges. Those that are there are extremely volatile - see e.g. Matt Gaetz ousting the former Speaker of the House a few months ago, and Marjorie Taylor Green the Jewish space-laser woman who had literally advocated openly for actual civil war, plus also threatened to oust the next/current Speaker. Trump opened the door to these… and others just like them.

        Dems in turn had extremely little chance to have won that 2016 election: when else in modern history has a 2-consecutive-term, 8-year Democrat Presidency ever been followed by another Democrat one, rather than switching over to a Republican in the White House? (Obama x2 > Bush x2 > Clinton x2 > Bush Sr. x2 and also Reagan x2 > Carter x2 > Nixon & Ford - but not since Kennedy & Johnson has that happened for Democrats). On the other hand, if they had not tried to take the White House, then Roe v. Wade was at risk - which as we saw, happened, and now women are dying, some areas are turning into “medical care deserts” where people would have to drive HUNDREDS of miles to get even normal birthing care - and women are being tracked in order to prevent their access to “specialized” care, including abortion but so many other things as well too that are not just abortions.

        So whether they wanted him to be crazy and edge out JEB and Ted Cruz back then or not, yeah I get it, but that was back then - that does not mean that they want him now!? Maybe, but that’s a matter of opinion rather than fact, and I kinda doubt it, b/c there’s a highly realistic chance that despite him having been impeached twice that he may yet not only run but win again!?

  • Neato@ttrpg.network
    6 months ago

    so Democrats decided to back Cox. The Democratic Governors Association spent more than a million dollars on an ad titled “Meet Dan,” which portrayed Cox as a close ally of Trump with hardline conservative views on abortion and gun rights.

    Claiming attack ads are supporting is a fucking stretch.

    • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Claiming attack ads are supporting is a fucking stretch

      Missing the point spectacularly, here. To the republican base, those are all strengths. The DGA basically tried to discourage a cult from showing up to vote for Dan Cox by portraying him as a close ally of Dear Leader who is hated by Democrats.

      The Dem leadership delusions about it being 1992 and most of the population occupying the tiny sliver of political real estate between the most conservative Democrats and the least conservative Republicans is costing them more elections than anything else at a time where winning should be easier than it has been for decades.

      • Neato@ttrpg.network
        6 months ago

        The DGA basically tried to discourage a cult

        Why would Democrats try to reach the MAGATs at all? If they are running anti-Trump attack ads they are targeting the “moderate” Republicans who don’t pay enough attention to know how bad their primary options are. They know they can’t affect Trump supporters. But there’s a bunch of disaffected people who identify as Republicans but dislike Trump.

        and most of the population occupying the tiny sliver of political real estate between the most conservative Democrats and the least conservative Republicans

        It’s not as big as the 90s, but it’s still substantial. Trump galvanized a lot of people into moving further towards the edges but the majority of Americans are politically apathetic. You only have to look at voter turnout to see that.

        • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
          6 months ago

          Why would Democrats try to reach the MAGATs at all?

          Because they mistakenly believe that doing so will make a candidate that isn’t palatable to the overall electorate win the primaries and provide an easy general election for their own candidate.

          Didn’t you read the article? It’s all in there…

          It’s not as big as the 90s, but it’s still substantial

          Nowhere near as substantial as the Dem leadership thinks. If it had been, their 1992 strategy of going for the mythical “independents” would give them landslide wins in the vast majority of races in stead of barely eking out tiny specidic wins for tiny majorities, even losing the House to the most incompetent fascist party in history.

    • Pronell@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      These assholes will both sides anything and everything.

      Now Democrats are responsible for Republicans choosing shitty candidates. Somehow.

      • olivebranch@lemmy.caOP
        6 months ago

        There is actual proof for that. You can read wikileaks published emails, that are cryptographicly signed by gmail using DKIM.