I like these types of lists because there’s always a recency bias. The 7th Doctor was ranked the best in the 90s but now he’s viewed much less favorably. I hated the 12th at first and now he’s one of my favorites.

Anyway here’s Wonderwall

Best - 4th I mean obviously who else could it be?

10th/14th Yes I am combining them

3rd Criminally underrated

12th I absolutely love how 12 is more of a scientist

11th For his first two seasons at least

9th My first Doctor

5th I like the celery bit

1st Bitter old man, it works

15th Too soon to call it but so far so good

2nd Almost as good as the 1st

13th I think Jodie did the best she could with the horrendous writing she was given

7th No strong feelings on him

6th Other than his jacket I remember nothing about him

Worst - 8th That movie was hot garbage I’m not sorry, I don’t count his cameos

  • derphurr@lemmy.world
    8 months ago

    Imagine posting to a who forum and not only leaving Baker out of list of best Doctors, but not having him at the top. This has to be the funniest thing I’ve read in a week.

    • Moobythegoldensock@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      Did you miss my first line? I’m only on Season 6 of Classic. I’ve heard good things about Baker, but I don’t have enough info to rate him yet.

      • mercano@lemmy.world
        8 months ago

        There are two Bakers, Tom (4, with the long scarf) and Colin (6, with the multicolor dreamcoat).

        Tom is a fan favorite. He holds the record for most episodes & seasons as the Doctor, though they were only half an hour then, and NuWho has muddied the definition of seasons with all the specials.

        Colin has a more mixed reception. The show’s management was a bit of a mess when he was on the air, and his character was written as brash. His Doctor’s reception has improved with later audio stories.